Chapter Twenty Seven - Don't kill the messenger! (2)

Somewhere Outside the Archen Empire

Crouching on the branch of a large Stardust Tree was a group of three, each with their features hidden beneath black cloaks

"I knew it! We shouldn't have let Nam pursue that bastard!" Jin slammed his hand against the trees, causing it to tremble under the force. "I'll go after them"

"Calm down Jin, Nam's Jade token is still intact that means the cursed child hasn't taken action against him" Li cautioned to Jin, his eyes trailed to the Jade token at his waist.

"Nam's only task was to keep tabs on the cursed child and report back at midday, it's almost nightfall and he's yet to return, Jin may be right, maybe we should look into it" Tan Tan agreed with Jin. The cursed child couldn't be treated as a normal target, caution would be best when dealing with with his kind.

Li sighed and shook his head, knowing the two wouldn't listen to a word he said. "All right, let's go should anything unprecedented happen be prepared to retreat."

"Yes!" both replied in unison

"Brothers, Sister no need I was able to capture the cursed child on my own!" A hooded figure appeared beneath the Stardust tree with Yue Chen thrown over his shoulder.

The three gaped in shock at Nam's brave and foolhardy act. Was he too stupid to understand fear?

Tan Tan was the first one to move, leaping down from the tree to greet Nam "Brother Nam how did you do it?" she asked, her eyes brimming with excitement and anticipation.

Li and Jin also listened in anticipation, curious of Nam's methods.

"I drugged his water" Nam grinned proudly, looking as if he had slayed the devil's parents.

Nam wasn't able to bask in his glory for long as a cold object pressed against his throat followed by his strength slowly slipping away.

Slanting his bloodied blade Yue Chen jumped from the collapsing body, landing next to Tan Tan, his blade pressed against her neck.

"Start talking, who are you and why are you keeping tabs on me"

With Yue Chen's blade pressed against her throat Tan Tan trembled as the tip of the blade cut into her flesh. Nam's blood was still trickling from the edges, almost making her bladder give in. With tears in her eyes Tan Tan looked at her elder brother "Brother Jin..."

"Little sister, you know the rules, I'm sorry but your death will be for a just cause" Li stepped backward and melded into the the shadow of the the tree, disappearing completely.

Jin trembled in anger but also stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

"How decisive, hahaha the church hasn't changed at all" Yue Chen laughed in amusement. "Now then, you were forsaken by your team for the sake of secrecy how does it feel?"

Tears welled in Tan Tan's eyes at Yue Chen's mockery. She had never thought her brothers would abandon her like that.

"I'll end your misery, don't become my enemy in your next life" Yue Chen holstered his dagger and prepared to end Tan Tan's life.

"T-the monarch project!" Tan Tan sobbed, her body shaking uncontrollably in fear. The blade on her neck halted then trembled and she immediately realized her words were effective.

"Countless monarch tablets from the project lit up in resonance in the past few years. We were assigned with the task of following cursed children Yue Chen, Li Jian, Youyue Zi and a few others. Our division was put to action since two years ago. My broth- the squad leader is the only one who knows what the purpose of our task is"

"That's a premature move from the church...did the old bastard put someone else in charge?" Yue Chen started pondering over the incident. The old men at the top wouldn't act on a few tablets lighting up. As far as he knew they were a group of cunning old foxes.

Tan Tan who's neck was still beneath Yue Chen's blade was still shaking from fear. I-is he going to kill me? Eventually gathering her courage she spoke up "You promised to let me go"

"Something tells me you've never been on the battlefield before, aren't you from the intelligence unit?" Yue Chen lowered his daggers "Your brother does all your killing for you doesn't he"

Tan Tan didn't waste a second, scampering off to the side like an injured puppy while staring daggers at Yue Chen.

"What's with that look? Your brothers abandoned you of their own will, I didn't coerce them now did I?" Yue Chen approached Tan Tan, extending his index fingers to her chest.

A soft dark light slipped into Tan Tan's body from Yue Chen's hand, causing a black sigil to surface on Tan Tan's body.

"Pervert! Molester!" Tan Tan was brimming with tears, thinking she'd been touched inappropriately.

"Don't get a big head, you're not my type. It's a contract, come" Yue Chen turned over his palm with the back of his hand facing Tan Tan.

"W-what do you want?"

"Swear an oath of loyalty before the sigil fades" Yue Chen ordered Tan Tan.

"What if it fades?"

"You'll die"

The Phoenix Carving Inn

After Tan Tan had pledged allegiance to Yue Chen the duo returned to the inn. Tan Tan was a member of the church's intelligence unit, they were bound to come after Yue Chen until the potential leak that was Tan Tan was solved.

3 hours later

Seated cross legged on the floor Yue Chen furrowed his brows in confusion then turned to Tan Tan "The church hasn't sent anyone to retrieve you, are you this negligible?"

Tan Tan pouted and lowered her head in defeat. She herself had expected someone to come retrieve her but it seems she was expecting too much.

"Nevermind the church then, I'll take you along with me to the Western Seas" Yue Chen decided to put the church on hold. His grudge with them would be settled in time.

With Tan Tan sprawled across the bed Yue Chen remained cross legged and began to channel the Shadow Forging Manual. Unlike ordinary techniques the Seven Shadow Manual required no physical practice. Gathering sufficient qi at his final qi point Yue Chen directed the qi into his sixth qi point. Next was the fifth point then the fourth. With the opening of each point the dark energy in Yue Chen's body increased and the pain that came with it became even more unbearable.

With his eyes clamped shut Yue Chen bore the pain, pushing through to his third point. At this point Yue Chen was convulsing from the increase in pain until he could no longer keep conscious.


Crouching next to Bai Chen and Dai, Luo spoke with hesitation "Bai Chen, what I'm about to tell you, you have to maintain rationality, fighting against the church isn't an option"

"Brother Luo what are you saying? For the sake of my mother and my younger brother I have dedicated myself to the church. Be it a Demon or God I shall kill for the church!" Bai Chen relayed a stern reply to Luo's warning.

Sensing the upcoming conversation might be classified, Dai felt it was necessary to leave the two alone "Chen'er, should I leave?"

"It's okay, there's nothing to hide from you" tugging at Dai's hand, gesturing her to sit next to him Bai Chen then nodded at Luo.

"The Church is..."