Chapter 52 - Entering The God's Space

The following morning Yue Chen left for the Beast God's inheritance space with Feng Huang as his guide. According to Patriarch Renshu the Inheritance Space was a pocket dimension on a separate plane from the Ancient Beast Continent itself and could not be entered without the help of artifacts. In order to use these artifacts one had to be of a certain elemental affinity or the artifact would reject them harshly.

Patriarch Renshu's words resounded in his Yue Chen's mind "Take Huang with you, she's been to the God's plane before. If you are forced to use your dark attribute do not hesitate to flee" Feng Yuming had given him a similar warning the night before, gifting him with a small bead like object similar to the one Feng Huang had used a few days prior.

It took the duo two days to reach the artifacts Patriarch Renshu had mentioned. Unlike the rest of the surrounding area the place which the artifacts were situated was barren and dry- there was no sign of life for miles forming a circumference around the artifacts. The artifacts were not as awe-inspiring as Yue Chen had expected. The artifact resembled the testing column Yue Chen had destroyed back in the Xuan Empire with the only difference being the one before him consisted of two fist sized pearls of different colors: red and black. Feng Huang was about to step forward when a rough voice cautioned her "If you don't want to lose that pretty hand of yours then keep it to yourself"

Yue Chen's gaze fell on a young man in the distance. There was blood leaking from his arm while his wrist seemed to have been severed. The man sat outside of the circumference of the artifacts while circulating his energy, not minding the two at all. As if he felt Yue Chen's gaze the man said "The Guardian of this God's Temple is preparing a big test it seems, no one will be able to enter until it's done- and don't bother asking me when it'll finish, I'm as clueless as you two" as the man finished speaking he did something that made Yue Chen gape with wide eyes. The young man took out a wrist from God knows where and attached it to his severed hand as if he was never wounded to begin with.

The young man smirked at Yue Chen and rubbed his chin "Little brother I understand how captivating my face must be however I must reject your kind feelings....I do not swing that way"

The awe Yue Chen felt immediately vanished. It had been a while since the last time he encountered a someone so full of themselves. A few minutes passed and more unfamiliar faces appeared all with the same goal of entering the God's space for a chance at inheritance.

"Huh? this annoying!" a girl that had just arrived started to stare daggers at Yue Chen. She had long turquoise hair that flowed down her back in an alluring manner and crimson eyes akin to a fire, if not for the scowl on her face then her beauty could be said to be comparable to Feng Huang's.

Yue Chen looked down at the young man seated behind him. Feeling Yue Chen's gaze he looked around "I'm not the one she's here for... it seems you have some skills little brother!"

Yue Chen frowned "I don't know who she is either" today was his first time seeing this young lady and could not remember ever meeting such a person before.

"What a folly, my sea of consciousness was in shambles because of you yet you fail to remember my presence?" the turquoise haired girl snorted. She was non other than Qian Yanmei of the Basilisk race that Yue Chen had killed prior to meeting the Phoenix race.

Yue Chen had no recollection of Qian Yanmei and thought she was here to make trouble and decided to ignore her. Feng Huang who was watching the whole thing play out enjoyed seeing Qian Yanmei's upset expression and had no intention of explaining to Yue Chen who she was.


Soon over two hundred individuals had gathered for the God's inheritance. With the location of the God's space being a secret among the families two hundred was a large number. It was clear that a number of persons that were unaffiliated with any family had caught wind of the God's space.


The ground trembled at the deafening sound. Strangely no one could pinpoint the source of the abrupt sound.

A man with grey horns on his forehead stepped forward and placed his hand against the artifact. A yellow light shone on the artifact's orb signifying the earth element. Without any warning the horned man was engulfed in black flames that ate away at his flesh. In mere moments the horned man had turned into a pile of ashes that scattered in the wind.

"Ha that's what you get for being greedy!" someone in the crowd mocked.

"Take that back you bastard!" a girl with a single grey horn on her forehead cried.

Yue Chen moved towards the pillar, dragging Feng Huang along. Without Feng Huang's fire attribute there was no way for Yue Chen to get inside the God's space. Feng Huang placed her palm on the pillar and the red pearl representing the fire attribute quickly lit up. A red transfer array appeared beneath their feet and with no time to react Yue Chen and Feng Huang were teleported away.

When Yue Chen opened his eyes the barren land was gone. The uncomfortable feeling of having his body thrown through the void made him want to throw up. Feng Huang stood next to Yue Chen, her hand still in his, feeling Yue Chen's grip tighten Feng Huang turned to the nauseous Yue Chen with a concerned expression "are you okay?"

"Doesn't it bother you...the transfer array I mean" Yue Chen could not understand how Feng Huang could be unfazed after shifting through the void like that.

Feng Huang soon understood what the situation was and a surprised look appeared on her face. "Are you sensitive to spacial magic?!"

"Not sensitive, just nauseous" Yue Chen corrected her.

"Its the same thing...." Feng Huang pouted.

After the nauseous feeling went away Yue Chen scanned the surroundings and his expression immediately became downcast. The place where they had been sent had a long and winding staircase that appeared to reach into the sky and touched the heavens. Yue Chen was sure there were over a thousand steps to the top and wondered whether he should rethink climbing the staircase.

Feng Huang looked at Yue Chen as if wanting approval to climb the staircase. The staircase was azure blue in color and was covered in moss and weeds as far as the eyes could see. The pair stood with interlocked hands and still had yet to release one another but neither of the two seemed to realize how intimate it seemed.

Feng Huang finally noticed how tightly she was grasping Yue Chen's arm and her cheeks flushed red. Unable to hide her embarrassment she rushed up the flight of stairs only to feel herself being dragged down the stairway.

"Dont run off and die, there are most likely traps set up on these stairs" Yue Chen explained to the flustered Feng Huang.

Feng Huang was suddenly more conscious of Yue Chen's presence and found that she could no longer look in his eyes like before "r-right"

Yue Chen's worries were soon proven to be a reality after their 100th stair as they quickly encountered demon beasts that were rushing down at them from the top of the stairs.