It's already 6:20!! I'm going to be late! Why I didn't wake up by the alarm?!

I hurriedly clean my bed, run to my bathroom to take a very very short bath, and fix myself.

Ma! Why you didn't wake me? I need to hurry because I'm sure I'll be waiting for long, just to get a jeep that has a vacant seat at this time.

I run downstairs and saw my Mama getting ready for her work.

"Ma! I'm running late! Why you didn't wake me up?" I asked her while drinking my milk.

"I thought you're still preparing!" she answered.

"Bye, Got to go! Just see you later Ma. Love you, take care" I said as I kiss her a goodbye kiss and run hurriedly to our street to wait for a jeep.

It's already a quarter to 7!! I think I would need to ride a 'tricycle' today (public vehicle, please search it for more ideas hehe), AGH!!! It's really not in my budget cause it's so pricy! No choice Iyah, no choice.

I rode a tricycle going to school. And when we arrived I hurriedly go out of his tricycle to pay but the driver told me that the fare is 50 PHP but like what I said it's too pricy because it's not like we ride for so long :/.

"50 'pesos'(PHP)? No Kuya, it's too pricy. We just ride for 6 minutes, it's not like we took so long, and also, it's not on my budget, if I could really just find and wait for a jeep earlier, then I will but I'm running late"

"Let's go back then Ms. if you don't what to pay and you what a jeep than my tricycle!" he said like he's getting irritated.

"Okay then let's go but let me tell you this Kuya, I rode your tricycle cause I thought you won't be like other tricycle drivers that are very opportunist!" I told him as I go back to his tricycle and waiting for him to start.

I don't care if I'll be late, I just that it's not worth it for 50 PHP.

"Okay okay Miss, since you're my first customer then I let you have a discount, 45 pesos okay now?" he said as I went out.

"Kuya, 40 pesos? deal?" I asked while making a cute face.

At first, he didn't want to but thankfully he agreed.

Shocks 4 minutes before 7!! I was about to run when someone shouted.


I looked at the direction where the shout came from and I saw him, my classmate, Gabby. I scanned around to see if who's he calling, but I saw no one. I look at him and pointed myself, asking him if it's me.

"Yeah, you!" he said while laughing and walking towards me.

"Why? is there a problem?" asking him and glancing at the tricycle at the same time. Hoping that he didn't see that.

"No, nothing. It's just I saw you.." He said.

"and the tricycle thing," he added and laugh again.

I sigh as a sign of fail! He's always laughing, right? don't you think he's crazy??

We started walking going to our building.

"You're stingy! hahaha, hep hep! don't you dare deny it, I saw it already!" he said and laugh again.

I just look at him and roll my eyes, such a tease. Are we close already?

"I won't okay? and I'm proud of that. My Mama taught me how to do that" I replied

He laughs again. Good thing he didn't talk again cause I'm so flustered that he saw it.

"I actually never thought that you are that type of rich girl that is allergic to cheap things like, not really fond of doing things that other normal people are doing." he suddenly said while we walk in the stairs.

"Why you think so? and me? rich? who told you that?" I asked and remember that I never told anyone that I'm rich and what did he think of me?

" I just know it, don't need to answer all of your questions," he answered.

"Why did you ride a tricycle earlier? are you a Ms-always-late?" he joked.

"No, it's just that same with yesterday, I'm just unlucky," I said and laugh a little.

"Well, can't argue with that." he chuckled.

"Why are you there? Do you also ride public transportations?" I asked getting curious.

"Why did you ask? you have a crush on me?" teasing me.

"What? no! in your face!" I nearly shouted at him that some students look at us.

"Really? You sure?" teasing me, wanting me to say yes.

"Yeah! I'm sure. Just answer my question!" I said.

"Yeah I actually like riding those kinds of transportation more than anything" he answered.

"Why? aren't you rich? how come you're here?" I asked.

He just laughed at it. We are already here in front of our classroom, good thing Ms. Cath is still not here. I was about to go inside but he said.

"You didn't listen to my introduction, aren't you? After you remember what I said in my introduction, ask me again, and also, you're still lucky Ms. is not here yet ."

He walks inside and I was left there thinking what he said yesterday.

"Nice conversation anyway Miss--" he shouted and paused that our classmates look at us.

'stingy' he mouthed.

I just rolled my eyes and go to my chair which is also close to his. I wave my hand at Nami and greeted her.


Goodmorning too! You're almost late again girl" she answered.

"Gab, what was that? you seem interested in her" Nash teased him that our classmates even Nami started cheering and shipping us.

"Stop guys! It's not like that, we just bump into each other." Gabby said which it true.

"Where's CJ?" He added.

"Coach called him, I think he's already on his way back," Marc answered.

They're still talking when CJ came, all of us look at him, and it looks like he's with a piece of good news.

"Men whatzup/ What happened?" Kevin excitedly asked him.

"Yeah, what happens?" Benj asked.

"Come on! Don't look at us like that, you're making us nervous" Finn said.

"We're still part of the basketball team!!" Cj shouted happily.

"Yesss!!" the boys all shouted, they even hugged and do their handshake I guess.

They look like children that were given a lollipop. Ms. Cath suddenly walks inside our room and seems confused about what is happening.

"What's happening here? boys, what are you doing?" Ms. Cath said.

Our class suddenly became quite.

"What? Answer me grade 7" she said, looks like she's getting impatient.

"Ms.," Robert said.

"Yes?" Ms asked.

"CJ wants to answer your question," he said, laughing a little.

Some of us laugh and look at CJ that is now looking so bad at Robert and waiting for his answer.

"Ms. we are just happy that we are still part of the school varsity" CJ explained.

"That's it?" she seems surprised.

"Yes, Ms. that's it" he answered uncertainly.

Ms laugh a little and said. "You know what you're overreacting! I can even hear all of you in the hallway."

"Act like a man boys! it's not like you're still the young boys here playing sand and what so ever.," she added.

She actually made a point! We need to grow up and be matured.. Wait! how can we do that?

Ms. Cath said "All of you need to grow up, be matured, and develop yourselves because all of you are getting older.. starting to know more about our world and searching for discoveries.. Act at your age.. You guys are already 13, you guys are teens now.. Help each other to grow class.. Whether you guys didn't have the same gender, still, help each other as friends and classmates."

"You guys are comfortable with each other right?" she asked

Some of us shake our heads and others didn't react.

"What? Seriously? Look at the other section, even though it's only our second day, all of them are already close to each other. And also, there are only 3 transferees in this section but at them, there are 6 transferees. Think about how they adjust themselves" she added.

"Ms. trusts our process we can be also like them or even more close, it's just that we're still shy towards each other and you know Ms., still sensing each other," Ryan answered.

"Okay, I get it, Ryan. I'm just worried about your class, I want all of you to enjoy your first year at high school, having a lot of friends and best memories to keep forever.," she responded.

"You get what I mean class?" she asked.

"Yes, Ms." we answered.

After that, no one talk and Ms. Cath started our English class about Using Figurative Expressions. All I can see is most of us are really on focus when it comes to our academics, actually, all of us are taking down notes about our topic.. Maybe I'm wrong I just judged them so much.. Our class ended peacefully and I find our lesson very easy to learn. Ms left already and we are waiting or our next teacher..

While waiting, I realize that Ms. Cath is right, this might be the best years of our life and we need to enjoy and live with it. When will that happen? As I look around you can really see that the old students here are super close to each other. How long should we wait for that to happen to me as well? Months? Years? I also want to have a lot of friends.. Friends that I can freely talk to about life, and chikas, and always be with me even if in sad times and good times.. Who will be my friends like that here? Will, I ever have?

I smile, sadly.

After a few minutes, our teacher in ESP (Character Education) Ms. Nicole Bernardo came.. She's morena, tall, has a straight hair up to the shoulder, has a skinny body and she looks so strict, she's not even smiling..

We started our class quietly, maybe all of us are scared. She taught us about the "Importance of Virtue" and asked us to do an essay about our lesson for today on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Good thing Mama bought me a whole school supply set and let me bring this to school or else, I need to ask my classmates to give me a paper.. I take out my paper and ballpen from my bag. I was already starting doing our seatwork when someone approaches me.

"Um.. Do you have extra paper?" Its Sandra.

I didn't realize that I just looking at her.. I'm so shocked! Someone talk to me!WAIT, did she really talk to me or she just asked me?

"Hey!" She caught my attention.

"Yes? um yeah, I have" I replied.

"Can I have one?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah yeah, sure!" I said as I gave her a paper.

She smiled big and happily say "Thank you!!"

I just smile at her like I'm saying 'welcome'. When others saw that I gave her a paper some of them approach me and asked me if I can also give them a paper and guess what I did, of course, I give them. What if this might be our starting point to be comfortable with each other. I also don't think that Mama will be mad at me doing this.

Fast forward.. it's already time to go home.. Our Science teacher Mr. Padilla just said.

"Class Dismissed!"

If you guys are wondering what happen earlier, at our lunch some of my classmates who I gave paper are smiling at me every time we see each other.. And at our Math class, some of them ask me if I have a correction tape, and I said yes.. I actually regret saying yes because my correction tape is almost empty..

Back to the present, I was fixing my things when my classmate Mae shouted and said goodbye.. Oh! Nami is still my friend she's actually sitting beside me but sometimes we're not talking or making chikas, maybe it's because we are both busy with things and all. I was about to leave when Nami hold my elbow to stop me and told me'

"Wait for me, lets go outside together."

"Okay.." I said.

We talked until we arrived at the gate of our school..

"Where's your way? here or there?" she asked me while pointing the directions of the road.

"here" pointing the road direction near to us.

"Oh.. My direction is there.. I need to go there and search for my service" she replied while looking at the other side of the road.

I was about to reply when someone shouted near us.

"Hi! see you tomorrow" she said.

Look around and saw our classmates Nicole with Rica. I didn't react or even reply cause I know they are talking to Nami not me.. #sad

"Yeah! see you!" Nami replied.

"We are not talking to you Nami, we are talking here!" Rica responds while pointing me, and Nicole is laughing at Nami.

"Me?"I asked.

"Yeah, you girl! See you tomorrow!!" Nicole said.

"See you tomorrow too!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Bye!" They both said.

"Bye-bye!!" I respond as I wave my hand at them.

They are still laughing when they left. I was so happy!! they want to see me tomorrow!! Are we friends now?

I was about to ask Nami but she looks irritated and not in a good mood. After a minute Nami also said goodbye and crossed the road.

I look behind me and saw some of my classmates are about to leave as well..

"Hey!" Nami shouted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you wategff-nfhs" she says something but I don't understand a thing because the cars that are passing is so loud.

"What?? I can't hear you!" I shouted.

"I vdgkfgjmghsffg" She said.

"What? I don't understand it!" I replied as I stepped forward.

"Do you wa-" I finally understand what she was saying'


someone shouted. "Iyah! Watch out!"

And grabbed my arm and pulled me back.


