Lee Donghwa: Duo Bastards

The next day, I woke up messed up as I didn't sleep well last night. Every twenty minutes I would wake up and the first thing that appeared in my head was that Chunghee had truly left me. It was like a waking nightmare, the pain was so real, and it continued into the next day.

Glory-In Media Agency

As I kept thinking about Chunghee who was still completely without news. I wasn't excited to pass the time of day as if I had no passion for life, like someone who got a curse by being ripped off of his soul and lived in a hallow.

I even left the pile of files from the staff on the desk and didn't want to touch them at all.

At work, resting my head on the table, I mutter softly, "Chunghee, why aren't you coming back yet? I can't keep on like this. I miss you so much. Go home now."