Intending to Commit Suicide.

I touched my chest as I remembered how Donghwa said something I never wanted to hear back then and felt how the intense pain ripped through my feelings more than before.

I knew that all his words at that time were something he said accidentally. However, I really couldn't tolerate the same mistakes over and over again. I had succumbed to him too much and spoiled him too often, but never thought that he would stab me with my own weakness. Not just once, but even many times.

Didn't he learn from our previous arguments? It should be that after a lot of things had happened, he should know how to control his anger.

However, maybe because he was a person who was spoiled by me too often, always thought that he was right because of my attitude that often gave in, so he thought that everything would always be the same when we argue, where he would win and I was the one who lost.