The Unwanted Presence of Someone

I was silent without a word and froze. My eyes glued to the TV screen until I forgot to blink. Inside I kept asking, 'Wh-why? Why did you do that?'

Without realizing it, I kept repeating the same question several times. Disbelief and guilt became a feeling that gathered in my chest, like a clot of blood in my heart.

[Newsreader: He was seen at an airport in Jeju. The only son of Kim Myungdae, who is the owner of five huge companies and has been named the number one person in business in South Korea, is also reportedly close to commit violence against an officer at Z terminal.]

Why did he humiliate his family name? Why did he have to do that?

What I witnessed truly made me feel even more guilty. Although I shouldn't feel that way for what he wanted, I couldn't help but think about this.

Daehyun really lost his mind!

[Newsreader: CCTV footage also shows him chasing someone at the Z terminal]