Kim Daehyun: What a weird feeling!

As soon as Donghwa heard my words, his face turned very pale like snow, white and cold. There was no bullheadedness and grumpy image of him like before but despairing. 

He stared at me without blinking and didn't move an inch. His eyes, which had previously exuded an aura of hatred and wrath, now looked blank. There was no expression in them as if he had just lost his soul.

His trembling lips parted slightly, then he said hoarsely to make sure, "You're kidding, right? Kim, please, tell me that you're just playing with me now."

However, I didn't waver at all when I heard the plea and heartlessly answered, "I mean it. I don't care if you take it that way or not."

Because the answer was beyond his expectations, he immediately stood up, dropping the parcel on the ground.

I glanced at the parcel for a moment, seeing a light blue cloth in it, before turning my gaze down at him.