He Would Never Open His Eyes Again

Hearing the words, I slowly shifted my gaze towards Yunhee beside me blankly, then looked at the coffin with a deeper sorrow while gently caressing it.

"Do you want to open it? You want to see Lee, don't you? He definitely wants to see you too," Yunhee spoke again as if opening this coffin would make me feel better.

Of course, if the one that laid in it was Donghwa, then I didn't know how I would cry over him later.

I immediately looked at Yunhee after he said his words. There was a moment of silence before I nodded weakly.

Yunhee immediately smiled without saying anything as if he was mocking me. It was like a slyness in the tip of his lips, but it didn't show in his eyes.

Yunhee's face was still as arrogant as ever. But, now, behind the arrogance, there was a sadness about "losing a friend". He also seemed to still be able to grieve for a friend, considering the values ​​of pride in him were far from reasonable.