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Hello everyone, I am Mao! ^^

As I informed you in the title, this is just small talk lol.

Thank you so much for reading this book until the end. I am delighted because there are still good people like you guys who still want to read it till the last chap. Hohoho~

Thanks for leaving comments, sending gifts, and voting for it! It all honestly made my day every I got the notification!

I also apologize for all the flaws in this novel, especially in writing. I am not good at grammar but I was trying my best to write it. I sometimes used weird words too (I know) because I used machine translation in some chaps when my brain was overworked to be honest. *sobs

But I try to reread it to fix it (although I dislike rereading my books lol).

By the way, this book has 3 volumes, including:

1. Love Me Once Again For A Year

2. Dedicated For A True Love (vol. 2)

3. I Fall In Love Too Deep (vol. 3)
