Chapter 12 Another day

It is a busy day in the kingdom of the West and East is working hard in getting their people 👫  happy. "(Good Morning 🌞  Sun Mei,) Said. Chen Heng,

     " (morning 🌞  my king 👑  figure that we can do the meeting on screen. And see if we can open 👐. The vault,) said. Sun Mei,  they are good 👍and far out of the West, " so how does it feel to be a father 👨 Cao? Asked. Zhou Mei, " it's an amazing feeling. It great to have everything that you want in life, for once everything is going to be good 👍. They ride up to the Goat 🐐  and ram 🐏  farm, the farmer walked up to them. " my king 👑  *Cao, my lord Wu, my grand lord 👑 Shi, great grand lord 👑  *Cao, and greater Grand lord 👑  Zhou? What 😦  can I do for you?  He asked.  Back in the West and side of the castle 🏰 , "((a course, what 😦  do you need gold for Sun?) Asked. Xiao Heng, " (to buy rams 🐏  and Goats my queen we have some but they not enough to go around,) said. Sun Mei,

(They are very small and take time to grow right) said. Yuan Mei, "( this is an emergency 🚨 for all of Chengdu, my queen 👸. ) said, *Sun Mei, " ( our husbands is out scouting more Goat 🐐 meat 🍗, ) said. Yao Mei,

"(I know we do not have any right to ask for it to open 👐, ) said. Su Mei and the far west called goat 🐐 and ram 🐏 country, they got down off of their horses." what 😦 kind of Rams and Goats do you have? Asked. *Cao Mei, " what? The farmer asked, " meat 🍗. what 😦 kind are they? Asked. Wu Mei, " and how much do you want for all? Asked. Shi Mei, " these are a breed of Rams and Goats, that I breed myself, said. The farmer. " perfect how much do you want for them, said. *Cao Mei, " call the castle 🏰 to see if they got the vault open 👐. Said, zhou Mei. " on it, said. * Cao Mei, he waves 🌊 his hand 👏 and the screen 💻 magic ✨ reappear. Sun Mei looking 👀 at him, "(

Yes, my king 👑.) asked, Sun Mei, " (did you get it open.) Said, * Cao Mei."(i working on it Cao, have you find 🔍 a Goat 🐐 farm) asked? Sun Mei, "(you want all? What are you offering my king 👑 ? Asked. The farmer, at the castle 🏰 , "( we can combine gold, find out how much this farmer or farmers has,) said. Chen Heng, " (that is a good 👍 idea 💡, my king 👑 . )-(we pulling the gold together, call us back ⬅️  when he asking price is.) Said, Sun Mei. "( we can combine gold, find out how much this farmer or farmers has,) said. Chen Heng, " (that is a good 👍 idea 💡, my king 👑 . )-(we pulling the gold together, call us back ⬅️  when he asking price is.) Said, Sun Mei. "(  how many Rams do he got Wu?) Asked. Yuan Mei, " (and how many Goats 🐐  he has gotten to Shi,)* said. * Sun Mei," ( what kind are they?)

    Asked. Yao Mei, "( and if they are healthy.) Said, Su Mei. Back ⬅️  at  the farm, " (what kind are they?)

    Asked. Yao Mei, "( and if they are healthy.) Said, Su Mei. Back ⬅️  at  the farm, " (will do my love ❤️ ,) we will pay what 😦  you asking, same with the East too.)  Said, Cao Mei. " ( Yuan there are least thirty Rans, looks like ❤️  we are going to another farm,) said. Wu Mei, "( the same With the goats 🐐  to *Sun, that is a good 👍 idea 💡,) said. Shi Mei, " (they look 👀  pretty healthy to me.) Said,  Cao Mei. "( we really going to need more of both,)  do you know of any more farms around here? Asked. Zhou Mei,  so they come to terms with the farmer about the rams 🐏  and the goats 🐐 . he wanted two sacks of gold for both.  Back at the castle 🏰 , on the screen 💻 " (whats the verdict my king 👑 ?) Asked. Sun Mei,  "( he wants two sacks of gold for both.) Said, *Cao Mei. " ( i guess you can't beat a better deal for twenty Rams and Goats, )  Said, Yuan Mei. "(Twenty is not enough for the East and the West,) said. Wu Mei, " ( will one of you have to go East to get him the sacks to pay him,) Said. *Sun Mei,  " ( we will dear, we want to find more first.) Said. Shi Mei, " ( wouldn't it be better to pay and bring them home 🏡 ?) Asked. Yao Mei," (

It is best to get all we need first then paying them, we call back ⬅️ within an hour my wife.)  Said. * Cao Mei,  so * Cao Mei and jr stay at the goat 🐐  farm while they ride out. " Giga!"( hi son,  will the vault is open what 😦 are you doing?) Asked. *Sun Mei,  they went far west and up ahead thirty cattle farms, thirty Rams farms and thirty Goats 🐐  farms. Wu Mei went to the Cattle farms,  Shi Mei went to the ram 🐏  farms, and  * Cao and  Zhou went up to the Goat 🐐  farms. As the sun ☀️  is going down in the sky 🌈, they talk 💬  with the farmers and range for a payment 💰  deal, and back ⬅️  in the castle Li Feng walked up to them, " you need me to stay and go over the weather ❄️  for the night 🌚 ? Asked. Li Feng,  "  no, not tonight go have dinner with your family and have tomorrow off, said. Sun Mei,  "  you sure Sun Mei,  " Yes 👍,  kind of be working on everything until the night again, said. Sun Mei,

      "I could help you, my queen. Just tell me what 😦  to do, said. Li Feng, "  that is what 😦 we are here for my Queen 👸. Said, Zou Youngzheng. " we are here to help 🆘 you when you need us. Said, Kang Deming., " accept 👍. Their help, what is your list of Royal 👸  duties my daughter? Asked. Yuan Mei, "

(1) meeting with the East.

(2) calla captains meeting,

(3) send  for goods from the East,

(4) Audience on screen.

(5) go over the dinner menu and

Breakfast 🍳  menus.

(6)  see to the people.

(7)  and get a training sheet.

I get on calling the Captains and the sheets together for you,  Said, Zou Youngzheng. " I go see what 😦  the kitchen 🔪  needs do you need anything for the prince 🤴 ? Asked. Kang Deming,  "  rags and more pins. Said,  Sun Mei,  "I  can get on the menu, said.  Li Feng,  " call your husband and let him know that you decide to work 💼  late,  said. Sun Mei,   she called her husband and tell him that she was going to help out, that would he mind fixing 🔧 dinner tonight for the kids. But fortunately, he pulling a late shift out on the ocean, and at Gou Qi house 🏠  they working late too, "  and we will see to the people, said. * Sun Mei,  so everyone is working 💼 their hardest, the king 👑  and lords 👑  are out far West,

      The Queen 👸  and ladies 👩  are 

Working in the castle 🏰,  and they Castle 🏰  help is busy as well too, Kang out the ordering scroll 📜  and squeal. He walked into the kitchen 🔪 . "  what 😦  you need for the kitchen 🔪  .  they tell him and writes 📝  it down,   and he got in the wagons and head to town. Zou Youngzheng called all Eighteen captains up to the castle 🏰, and got started on the training sheet, "

Breakfast 🍳  -  Han's Steam Stuffed Buns.

With BlackBerry tea,

Lunch - Lao Ma Tou Hotpot with C100000.

Afternoon - sweet potato 🥔 sticks.

Evening - tea and tofu,

Said. Sun Mei,   as they continue the meeting,  Wu went to get the sscks of gold from the East and pay them for the Rams, Cattle, and Goat. "( we on the way bsck, Jr. Is ready to eat, )  Wu and his father Shi Mei his heading  to the East. And *Cao and his father 👨 Zhou Mei is going back ⬅️ to the farm, " (come to me my husband and son,) said. Sun Mei, " ( we will see you soon,)  they went off the screen 💻  ,  as the meeting is coming to the end.  "

Dinner-  Wontons and gjnseng tea.

Thst is the menu you for tomorrow,  all Eighteen captains walk in the castle 🏰  and the conference room,   "  and for tonight Sun? Asked. Li Feng, " they got the menu for this night 🌚  my friend. She walked up the steps 🚶  and the conference room, everyone sat down at the table. On the ocean Zhou crew is working 💼 over time and pumping for oil. At Gou Qi house 🏠  he served them Chinese burgers and ginger tea, " Our next ➡️ order 📑  of room is China 🇨🇳 which it is not far, a couple 👭  want their living room done,  said. Gou Qi, " what do they want done to it Gou? Asked. Chang Yu, "

They want the walls with wall paper,

They want the floor with carpet,

The windows with curtains,

And new furniture.

Basically they would like ❤️ for a orgnarly living room be turned into a sitting 💺 room . said, Gou Qi,  After they deliver the meat 🍗  to the East, Wu and shi went home 🏡 to rest 🛌 . After they put the livestock in the pins, Cao and Zhou went home 🏡 to,  Cao Mei arrived at the castle, he got off of his horse 🐎 and walked into the castle 🏰  doors 🚪, Cao Jr. Is starting to cry 😂 . " my Queen 👸  we home, shh 😯  shh 😯 , son she is probably up stairs and the conference room. So let's go have a nice cup of goat 🐐 milk 🍼, so Cao Mei walked in the kitchen,  she beginning to them how they need to retraining the Legion, that is going to start in the morning 🌞 so meet them west side of the castle 🏰,  Zou Youngzheng just finished the training sheet, as the moon 🌚 is going down in the sky, through out the lands of Chengdu there is a slight breeze moving cross the land, "

so how much is all the supplies cost? Asked. Ye Bingwen,  " the same as before Ye,  keep in mind that the

Bigger the order bigger the pay,  for each design Chen is charging them five sacks of gold.  So you take that in you divide it up in,

     Forty-five apiece, with my share will buy what we need , so our list of supplies





And anything extra if we need. Said, Gou Qi,  They finished eating there dinner 🍽️,   cao Jr finished drinking his  milk 🥛. And Cao Mei  put him on his shoulder and burp him then wipes his mouth, " you do that so good Cao, said. Yuan Mei, "  I love being a husband and a father, you want to go to grandmother while I see where mom is? Giga, he said. " Give me that baby 👶,

      Said, Yuan Mei. He give him to his grandmother and walk up the steps in the conference room, "  hey welcome back ⬅️ my king 👑, said . Sun Mei, he sat down at the table and look at her,  " it is good to be back at home 🏡.  My butt hurts, said. Cao Mei, " tell you what my king 🤴 how about a luxury bath with a massage? Asked. Sun Mei, " that sounds good my queen, 👸, Said, Cao Mei. So Sun Mei  set up a luxury bath 🛀 with a massage.  As he walked out of the conference room and down the stairs and in their room, they set up everything in the bathroom. "  Aw mom is giving dad a luxury bath with a massage. So how about we little one get ready for bed 🛌, she take him to his bedroom and put his onzies on him and lay him in his crib, she sing to him. The captain meeting is over and they left, "  thanks for all of your help , Kang, Zou, Li, Castle Phyicain, Castle Monk and cooks take a few days off tomorrow spend time with your family , I closing and locking the castle,  after training the royal family is going to spend a few days down by the beach 🏖️, said. Sun Mei, "

your family , I closing and locking the castle,  after training the royal family is going to spend a few days down by the beach 🏖️, said. Sun Mei, "  that is a good idea Sun, said. *Sun Mei. " Yeah 😂 , the whole family right? Asked. Yao Mei, " yes great grandmother the whole family. Need a day of rest 🥺, she walked in the bathroom, Cao Mei steps in the bathe water 💦, which it relaxed him,  she got in and start to giving him massage, "  mmm, you got the touch.That is the spot, he tells her."  We need to go somewhere and just relax ☺️ for a few days, what do you think my queen 👸, said. Cao Mei, " " You read my mind 😃, my king 👑. That what we definitely need 😜  few days just being a family.

   "  Yeah, he just be happy go lucky baby. Can I ask you something my wife? Asked. Cao Mei, and the hall they are planning a panic on the beach. Yuan said she bring the main dishes, *Sun  said she bring the side dishes, Yao said that she bring the deserts, and Su said she bring the beverage. Ao they went home to get everything ready for tomorrow. After they finish design the couple living room he took them home, just in time because Zhou and Li arrive at the house 🏡, " morning looks like we all pull a late night. Said, Gou Qi," we have a big design today mom and dad. Said, Hao Tengfei. " Not, today take a break for today and spend time with your family guys 😉. Said Gou Qi, "  that what we going to do, ride South for breakfast 🥐 and spend the day there what you guys say? Said. Zhou Feng, " will the queen 👑 did  give me the few days off today and tomorrow. Said, Li Feng. "  Sounds good to me Mr Feng, said. Su Huan. " When you four going to call us mom and dad? Asked, Zhou Feng. " What's wrong with calling you Mr and Mrs Feng? Asked. Ye Bingwen, "  nothing we look at you as our own son's and daughters Ye, Chang, Hao and Su

     We want you to look

At us as your own parents, said  Li Feng, " we don't have your last name Mrs Feng, said  Chang Yu, " we do, just we are different, said. Ye Bingwen,

    " then our last name you four should have, is there a monk around here? Asked. Zhou Feng, " West the castle Monk, you going to need Sun and Cao." She close the castle , he wave his hand and his screen magical appears, he called the castle, she cut the bathroom screen on  "( yes, Gou Qi?) Said,"( if we want to make them ours so we can give them our last name. How will go about it?) Asked, Li Feng. " ( Bring your family to the castle Li  we have the castle Monk hold a blessing of changing in your honor,)  so they head back to the castle, she finished giving him his massage. She got the castle Monk and open the door for them, they walked in the door of the castle .  So they signed the scroll so they are now Ye Feng, Chang Feng, Hao Feng, and Su Feng. "  Less you are not but you are now a one Complete family, together you will grow in love and peace. Said, The castle Monk, so they left as family and heading South,  Cao Mei got dressed and so the whole Royal family is on their way to the beach 🏖️, this beach is the first beach of Chengdu,. The waves is crushed against the sand on the beach,  the king 👑 and the queen 👑 ride up to the beach with their bodyguard, and went to set up the cottage up. Cao Jr fall asleep on his mother in the carrier, she gently lay him on the bed,  no one hasn't been here in years. Time out of the West and focusing on their new baby  boy  for a change. And the West at Wu and Yuan Mei got the main dishes of  breakfast 🥐  Soybeab Milk and Deep-Fried Dough Sticks, Steamed Buns Stuffed with Meat, Soup, or Nothing,  Tofu Pudding,  and . Wheat Noodles, " that is a lot of cooking my wife. Said, Wu Mei. They pack up the wagons and head down to the beach, " I want him to get his first taste of food from everything for breakfast 😋. Said, Yuan Mei. At Shi and * Sun house she was  getting the side dishes ready, LO MEIN,  EASY STIR-FRIED RICE CAKES WITH XO SAUCE, EGG ROLL BOWLS, and  GENERAL TSO'S CAULIFLOWER. "  We don't even know if the castle phyicain is allowed him to trying eating food, said. Shi Mei, " we will see Shi. They load up the dishes into the wagon and head down to the beach. And Yao and Cao Mei house she is getting the deserts ready to go.

       Desserts 😋 of Homemade tau foo faa-soybean pudding 🍮,  Chinese mango pudding🍮, Coconut milk and rockmelon ice cream🍨,  Coconut tapioca pudding 🍮, Ma Lai Go Chinese Steamed Cake 🎂, and Chinese steamed sponge cake – ji dan gao, "

he is in for a real meal deal. Said, Cao Mei . " He is going to taste and have a lot of fun,  they load up the wagon and head down to the beach, and at Zhou and Su Mei  getting the drinks for breakfast 🥐.  Sinkiang Black beer, Chivas mixed with green tea, Pearl milk tea, Soybean milk, . Tsingtao beer, and  Coconut milk, "   I going to enjoy this time at the beach 🏖️ with the family. They load up the wagons and head down to the beach 🏖️, Everything pull up at the beach 😂 just  in time they got it set up. She picked up Cao Jr off the bed and they walked out of the cottage, " let's eat , how about you little one you ready for your first taste 😉 of food 😋. Asked, Wu Mei.

      " We will give it a tried with our few good teeth.  In ny little mouth, said so they sat down and they started to have breakfast , she give him some  soft food, he smiled and enjoy the food. Mmmm, they laughed out. "  That's my boy how is that Tofu, asked. Wu Mei,  after breakfast 🥐  and  they all got in the ocean 🌊, the Feng family ride in to the South,  they got out of the wagon and walked into the inn and sat down at the table, the waiter walked up to the table. " What can I get you to drink? He asked, "  huh, two black beer 🍻 and four chai tea 🍵. He ordered them something to drink .

      " Coming right up, I give you a minute to order. He went to get there drink.  Meanwhile down at the beach 🏖️ they having a good time playing with Cao Jr in the water 💦. Seeing him laugh 😅 and smiled 😂, Sun and Cao Mei is laying down on the sand, he looked at her and said"  he is having a blast,  look at him. "  Had his first drink and first food,  and  now learning how to swim, so tell me my husband after all of the hardship you went through  , to you feel that you are free and happy now? Asked. Sun Mei, "  I am happy now I married to the one that should be mines 😂 along, and we have a healthy happy baby boy, how about you my queen 👸.  After the pain 🥺 he put you through? Said. Cao Mei, " Giga, Giga, Dada, Dada, they waved at him. At the inn at the South,  he bring them their drinks and put them down on the table. "  You guys ready

To order? Asked. The waiter, "  yes we have six orders of pancakes and eggs. Ordered,  Zhou Feng. He took their orders and walked into the kitchen,  back at the beach 🏖️. Sun Mei turn her head and look at him and said" everything is going good ky king 👑. Said. Sun mei. They got out of the water 💦, " Giga Dada,  she take him from her father ,  she kiss him on his head.  " My son you are loved, my husband my blood is your blood.  And their native language it be this way, 歐洲 太愛噢 啊啊ㄚ 評價 嗯ㄚㄙˋ. 呀呀特色透氣 鞥啊 ㄙㄤ愛愛跟 阿泰 啊啊啊至 ㄙ嗯ㄞ艾更ㄍ ,  eyes 👀 they kiss each other on the lips. Cao Jr patting on his mother ,  yes, my son. Are you having fun 🤣, asked. Sun Mei,  back at the South end in the inn. While they are waiting for their meal to come, "  he is exactly like his brother you know? He is going to treat her the same way. Said, Ye Feng. " stop it Ye he is a good man and king 🤴. Said, Zhou Feng. "  He loves her 😍 Ye, said. Chang Feng, "  yeah he is better than his brother. Not everyone bad only in your eyes 👀, said. Hao Feng,  back on the beach 🏖️,  He pick up his son.

      " That because I am a lucky guy 😉 mommy, said. *Cao Mei,  " I am I'm daddy, said. Wu Mei,