" My queen 👸 and my king 👑. called, Zou Youngzheng. " You think they could be out? Asked. Li Feng, Yuan Mei walked up to them, " shhh, they are asleep. And he is a sleep to. We been up this whole night with him, they give you three your jobs. Said, Yuan Mei, she went back to bed 🛌, and they got to work. Days gone by as the sun goes down in the sky. And the Cook's start to fix lunch, * Cao Mei turned on his side," they here. Said, * Cao Mei. " Let them work my king 👑, while we sleep. Said, * sun Mei. So they went back to sleep. Outside of the castle, everyone is doing their part going to work, helping in the farm, while the sun 🌞 is up in the sky 🌅, Gou Qi, Ye Feng, Chang Feng, Hao Feng, and Su Feng is heading East to get supplies. Back in the castle, Song Chen called the castle 🏰, "( Cao you three?) ," The Royal family is still sleeping call back with in the hour. Said, Zou Youngzheng. And the East Chen, Elana, and Xiao Heng is out in the city this morning. " You know my king 👑, we need to invite Sun and cao Mei long with their son down for morning tea 🍵. Said, Xiao Heng. " That's good ☺️ idea 💡 my queen 👸, said. Chen Heng. Elana ran down the path, " Elana don't go to far, when you want to invite them Chen. Asked, Xiao Heng. Back in the castle 🏰, Cao Jr just wake up, " !momma he called. Sun Mei turn her head and open her eyes 👀. " Did you just speak son did I hear him call me momma. Said, Sun Mei, ! popa. Cao Mei had the biggest smile on his face," he said it , he call to us,he call us momma and popa. They hug him and they kiss him. The castle 🏰 phyicain walked in the room, " morning my queen 👸 and my king 👑 and my prince, any changes this morning? They look at him real good, his eyes 👀 is yellow. " his eyes and ears, what is his fire 🔥 temperature 🌡️ at? Asked. Sun Mei, " the same 1.02 degree , I suggest and stress out do not give him hot foods at all. Give him only cold food that is warm, you want to keep it this temperature for now my queen 👸, the castle 🏰 phyicain said. " Do you have any suggestions? Asked. * Cao Mei, " yes,
Chicken 🐔 salad 🥗
Noodles with peanut 🥜 butter sauce,
And veggatsrian spring rolls.
As he told them , Cao Mei write it down on a scroll. " Do you have aany suggest on what he can drink? Asked. * Sun Mei, " Conut milk 🥛 it is the best thing to give him. How are you doing our queen 👸 and king 👑? " Good, other than being tired, we are doing good, right my queen 👸? Said? Cao Mei, " yeah, we good. Need a day out of the west,
Said. Sun Mei, "maybe when This is all over
and done with, you go spend the night with your grandparents while we go back to the fountain to recooperate, said. * Cao Mei, she lay back on the bed and rub her face, " we love you Jr just mom and dad doesn't have any energy, your grandparents would love it. Said, * Sun Mei. He looked at his mother. "
Momma, " yes, son. I am awake 😴 for a while. Cao Mei lay back down in the bed 🛌. He scratched his stomach, he crawled on him banging his chest, popa! " Yes son momma and popa trying to sleep right now, said. Cao Mei, " come Jr lay back down and go to sleep. He put him in the middle of the bed which is between them, he didn't want to sleep so he did what babies do, he crawled off the bed 🛌 and out of the bedroom, he got him just in time. " No, stay in here. He closed the door behind him, he started to cry. " Cao Jr calm down, mother please come and get your grandson! Called Sun Mei, " he gets that from his mother, you did the same thing dear. Said, Yuan Mei, " he telling you to get up he doesn't want to sleep anymore. Said, Wu Mei. " What do we have to do today? Please he driving me nuts. Said, * Cao Mei.
Training camp with the legion
Check on the wall
Village reports
Farm and Meat 🍖 reports
Tending to the farms,
Weather 🌦️ reports,
Ocean 🌊 report
Audience and live audience.
Said, Sun Mei. " I guess we better get up get the day over with. Said, * Cao Mei.
So they got up and wash up and walked out of their rooms. She put her hair in a ponytail. They take it off him she put his armor on him and everything. " Have fun with momma squirt, I going to give this to the Cook's. Said, Cao Mei. He walked in the kitchen 🔪. She walked out with him in her arms, " morning my queen 👸 and my prince. Said, Zou Youngzheng. she yawn, " what good about it, we will be out today, so we going to need you to pull a night, the harvest festival is a round the corner I need nothing in the ocean 🌊 Zou Youngzheng, Kang take audience, if it's water 💦 we are on it, Li Feng think you can handle decorations of the village and, the weather and forrest? Asked. * Sun Mei, " something new? Asked. Li Feng, " will you ask can you do more honey 🍯, ain't that right you. I heading home 🏡 I got to get everything washed, clean and parpare the harvest festival. Said, Yuan Mei. " You all coming back right? Asked. * Sun Mei, " not this not hun, size you are doing very good. Said, * Sun Mei. " If we have to go through it so do you four. Please come back we are begging for you to come back." We be on screen, you are almost through it Sun , said. Yao Mei, " okay on the screen? Said. * Sun Mei. " Once he finished with the phasing into a young dragon 🐉, everything will be ok. Said, Su Mei. They kissed them by and left the castle 🏰. They walked up. "you ready to go, don't forget to try him out in the sun 🌞 today, right grandson. He takes him from her and hold him. " Wait you be coming back with me right? Asked. * Cao Mei," not to day son, got to work on my famous coleslaw, said. Shi Mei, " my salted butter leg of lamb 🐑. Said, * cao Mei. " But he is almost through it popa, ain't that right little one. Said, Zhou Mei, he kiss his wife and son by , she take him from her father. They left heading down to the farm. So they got to work , " I will be out so if you need me call me. Yes it's new, there is some decorations in the closet , we got to try to make it work. , If you run out let me know . Start outside of the castle 🏰 first, then inside. They ride up with the queen 👸 horse 🐴 , she walked out of the castle 🏰. She hook on the saddle seat on, and she put him in it, and fasting in.she swing the bag around her back, and they left the castle 🏰, heading down to the wall. Song Chen called the castle 🏰 again, "(the king 👑 is up in the farms, and the queen 👑 is heading at the wall.) Said, Zou Youngzheng. " ( How far is the wall?) Asked. Song Chen, "( so you want the queen 👑, if you wait she be up that way doing a live audience soon,) said. Zou Youngzheng," ( how would I do that? I never sent one.) Said, Song Chen. " ( Send it to her screen she will see it, make sure it's important or else she is not going to come. The king 👑 is near just go to him, ) they arrive at the farm and they got off the horse 🐴 and got to work in the farms.
They ride up to the walls, they Got off the
horse 🐴, she unfasten him, they walked up the steps to the base of the wall. The wall guards walk up to them. Live audience start to popping up on the screen, she waved her hand. And it appears the first name was Song Chen, (your mother want a live audience. That is a first,) my queen 👸. He said. "( really my mother, who she wants?) " Any activity outside of the wall?( Reappear to be me,I five miles away,why she is not sending it to you?) Asked. Sun Mei, momma. Called Cao Jr, " yes my son? " No, my queen 👑 other then animals. Momma, she scoops him up on her hips, "( you got me my wife, what she wanted?) She look up on the screen, it mark important. "( Just said, important. Be babe see what she needs for me.) Said, Sun Mei. " ( I busy my queen 👸, ain't you heading this way soon?) Said? Cao Mei, " ( I still at the wall my king 👑, and soon after I leave. Please 🥺, ) she begged, "( my dragon 🐉 I love you so much, how my boy doing?) Asked . Cao Mei, he put his take on his shoulder and they walked over to his mother house. "( I love ❤️ you too my king 👑, he is talking and enjoy is fresh air.) He knocked on the door, "
that was quick, I only post it now.
Cao?"( What he saying?) The queen 👑 is five miles away at the wall still, what you need mother. Asked? Cao Mei, "( momma.) " That good, I need both of you, is she on her way?( No, after I be heading to train the legion and captains. Live audience is after, if is important like you said the king 👑 can handle it, that is why he is the king 👑.) Said, Sun Mei. " I need both please , she begged her. Only she can direct her plans. "( How important is it?) Asked. Sun Mei, " it is going to have to wait we kinda busy mom. If this what I think is, I don't care, I don't want no part of him or him in my family life. Let him stay at what he is, let go that is it, Sun! He called to her. " ( Yes, my king 👑.
He is right, things are good between you both and you are in our sons life, why would you want to ruin that now, he not in our lives our son life, never going to be. If you want to be there for him leave Chengdu in go to him! In the future live audience is for emgercy not nonsense understand? ) She closed her screen. " What kind of Animals? Raccoon dogs , sables, leapord cat? Asked, Sun Mei. " Mix my queen 👸 including the pumpkin willows, she said. " What do you want us to do, he asked. " Take shifts if they get closer call me or the king 👑.) Said, Sun Mei. They walked back up the wall. " Yes my queen 👸 and be safe. They, said. They walked off of the wall in got on their horse 🐴, she put him back in the seat and fasten him in. And got up on the horse 🐴 and head to the new training ground. " Hey Song, you getting ready for the festival, said. Yuan Mei. " All I want is to ask a question to her, what festival? Asked. Song Chen, " to get her undevite attention put a s.o.s up. ( I need you now Sun! And not few hours.) Said, Yuan Mei,
"( Okay mother
I am on my way to you.)
Said, Sun Mei. The sun 🌞 Is out
beating down on them, they are in the fields planting rice 🍚. " It is freaking hot 🔥 today, said. Wu Mei, " let's get done ✅ . Then we can get our festival food ready, said. * Cao Mei. So they got back to work on the fields, they ride up in the village and at her mother's house 🏡. Jr let out a yawn, " I got your s.o.s mother what's wrong? Asked. Sun Mei, I need flour for my egg 🥚 rolls, and Song Chen want to ask you something, said. Yuan Mei, " flour? I sure they got some at the farm, ask father to bring you some. What about Mrs Chen? Asked. Sun Mei, momma. Cao Jr called, " you got few minutes. Bai's new wife wants to get to know you, as a sister in law, said. Song Chen, it just hits her, he give his love to someone but he couldn't give it to her, she wants to have a family with him but he didn't. " I can't have no part of that, I don't have a brother in law and I don't have a sister in. They are not my son uncle and Aunt, move out now. They turned around and left. Fair is fair he put it price on her and their unborn child, so why should now be any different. She look at her and walked into the house 🏡,
she tried and look down, because they don't want them in their life. Who could blame them, he was a lazy brother to Cao, and a terrible husband to Sun. So she called them, " (what is the verdict mother.) Asked, Bai Chen." ( They said no,) said. Song Chen, she ride up to them. And they follow her out to the training ground. " Hey nephew can I my queen 👸? They stopped, she unhook the seat and hook him on Hou Long saddle.
" Hey 👋 buddy you are growing up so fast, said. Hou Long, " yes, he is phasing now, this is now are practicing ground, even thought we not at war, we are still a war army, we need to be ready for anything. Line them up and let's began. All nineteen line up there armies, and the fields, they got new crops planted. " That's done, let's go check on the meat 🍖 stock. Said, * cao Mei. So they walked down to the goat 🐐 and Ram 🐏 pins, "( why. I never had a sister in law before, she could have some points on what to expect of carrying a baby. ) Said, Yi Chen. "( Tell the ex wrench to get on the screen mother,) said. Bai Chen, "(no, I see why he changed his last name for hers, so their son could have a chance, with his mother last name he could be born into world of purity, your father last name would ruin his chances, take her last name Bai become a man like your brother and move forward, there's nothing for you here. Accept death, you have no family, friends. You have no nephew or sister in law and no mother. Go with my love and be man and be free, I can't be there or leave my home 🏡 for you. ) She cut the screen off,at the training ground, she rides out in front of them, " first I going going to start you off with galloping excerize, momma. " That goes for you too, you are still bonding and training with them, so they galloping down the path way. Ren Chen his uncle walked up to them, " Cao you got a minute? He asked him. " Anything you have to say to him you can say to all of us, Wu Mei told him. " We are busy right now, like my father said anything that you have to say, say it to all of us. Said, * Cao Mei. " I have no hard feeling for what you done, you a father yourself. " You leave my granddaughter and great grandson out of your mouth boy, said. Shi Mei, " my family should never come from your lips, I am better father then you and him. Jr comes first in my life, I am a better husband than you and him my wife comes first always, I valve my wife and son, you can not paid me to leave my family, and he and Bai even your family got what they deserve, they closed the pin doors. " A man who does not valve his family is not a man at all. Said* cao Mei, " he must go so his soul can be judged by the great dragon 🐉 himself. Said, Zhou Mei, they went to check the meat 🍖 and the storage. He looked down and walked away. " Any luck Ren? Asked. Yuan Chen
" No, he doesn't want to talk to me about it, said. Ren Chen, " try the queen 👸 if the king 👑 is not going to listen 👂 to us. So they post a live audience and put important, and the training ground, she wave her hand, and her screen appears, "(I in busy right now. Won't be that way until later on, )-(Cao can you take that?) Asked, Sun Mei. "(I just did, we just did. They want to bring up crap,) said. Cao Mei, "(you are my husband, you mind doing the live audience for me. I send them to you in a few minutes?) Asked. Sun Mei, "(you still in training.) Answered, Cao Mei, "(yeah, I still trying to get them train , by time I do get up that way it be later on.) Said, Sun Mei. "(I got you my queen 👸, how is our boy? Any changes to him.) Asked, Cao Mei. " ( He is with Hou Long right now, he is doing good, he is starting to turn green.) Said, Sun Mei. "(He is almost there than, when will you be done ✅ my wife?) Said? Cao Mei. "(I let you know my king 👑, we love you.) She send him the live audience to his screen. "(I love you guys too,) they cut there screen off. After they finish in the storage, Cao Mei went to do the live audience. He ride up to a old married couple house 🏡, they got off their horse 🐴 and knocked on the door. " Who is It? Asked the elderly man, " it's the king 👑 of the west sir you asked for a live audience, said. Cao Mei, they open the door for him, they walked in the door of the house 🏡. She closed it behind him, " yes can I get you some tea 🍵 my king 👑? Asked. The elderly woman, " please have a seat, so he sat down In the chairs, they stopped at the bottom of the hills. " Good job 👍 legions, swordsmanship man to women captains, dismount. Momma?" No, you stay in your seat Jr, they dismount and start training with their sword. " If we going to be a kingdom of legions we have to be as one, said. Sun Mei, " so we going to be bigger than nineteen? My queen 👸. Asked, Zhang You. " I have to see what the king 👑 said about it, all the lord's has twenty one captains and twenty one legion, said. Sun Mei, back in the west at the old couple house, " we can't get around and get what we need or see a physician. What are we supposed to do? Asked. The elderly man, the elderly woman bring them out some tea 🍵, " that is an emergency, he waved his hand and his screen reappear in front of them, " ( yes my king 👑,) asked. Sun Mei, " ( they don't have mobility to move around to get food or supplies, they need a doctor bad. We need to come up with a plan to help the elderly. ) Said, Cao Mei. " ( Take their names down Cao, of every elderly woman and man, we talk about it tonight at dinner and set up a delivery wagon and phyicain visit to, them. We got you . ) Said, sun Mei, at the train ground they are still practicing amongst each other. Momma, she walked up to him and feel his head, he is a little hot. So she unhook him and pick him up, she put him down on the ground and cut her screen on. So the family can see him walk his first steps, " come on you can do it. Said, Yi Qiao. He walked to him very slowly. Back at the house 🏡 Cao Mei set a delivery wagon for all of the elderly, and day to day daily visit from the village physician. "(Is that my son walking his first step!?) Said, Cao Mei, "
everything is set, and we will work it out. The wagons will be here and deliver will bring them in the house 🏡 and put them away. " Thank you 😊 my king 👑 and my queen 👸, they said. "( Yes popa we are walking.) Said, Sun Mei. "( oh my gosh he is walking, my baby boy is walking.) Said with shocked, "( that's my grandson.) Said, Wu Mei, he walked to Yi Qiao. She picked him up and hug him, " walk back to momma, momma. He called to her and wabbling as he walking back to her, " that my baby boy come on my son.
" Momma, " right here my son. Come to me, he stumbled and fall on the ground and start to cry, she walked up to him and pick him up and head down the path. He finished his tea 🍵 and sat down the cup and head down to the next house 🏡 and knocked on the door,
" Yes, said the young man. " It's the king 👑 of the west. You asked for a live audience, said. Cao Mei, "
I want the queen 👑, he said. " My queen 👸 is busy, I doing live audience today, you going to let me in so I can help? Asked. Cao Mei, he opened the door. At the train ground they just finished up there sword 🗡️ play. " Poor sword 🗡️ play you are not equal to your apverstry.
Average sword 🗡️ play you are able to take on few.
Perfect sword 🗡️ play your apverstry is no match for you. I hope you getting all of this my son. Any questions about training? Asked. Sun Mei, " who are we prepare for my queen 👸, asked. He He, " we are on the ocean 🌊 line and forrest line , I having us train and prepare for attacks , sharpen our skills, for animals attacks, and invading attacks. We are the only kingdom with a army and on the defense. To get to the East you have to go through the West, I need spear legions which one want it? Asked. Sun Mei, Li Feng finished getting the outside of the castle 🏰 decorating, " ( Sun I am finished decorating outside of the castle 🏰. ) Said, Li Feng. " You the king 👑? He asked him, " yes. He let Cao Mei inside of the house 🏡. " Please 🥺 have a seat may I get you something to eat? He asked. " I am good, why can I help you. Said? Cao Mei, he turned around and walked up to him, and said" the queen 👑 would say yes to a piece of sponge cake 🎂, " will I others than you to help, that for my wife hands off, eyes 👀 off get me. He waved his hand and his screen appears in front of him, "( do you know this fool Sun!) Snapped Cao Mei, "( calm down Cao our son is prenst, yes he is one of the villagers. He just lonely and want someone to talk with, Cao so out of many I set aside and talk with him,) -(we are going to talk about this,why he is missing with the queen 👑!) Scolded. Cao Mei, " (what are you talking about, we just talking, I dare you think I ruin my family name with a village man!) Snapped out Sun Mei,and Cao Jr start to cry 😂, "( shh, son momma and popa are just having a discussion. Please don't leave me and take my son from me.) Cao Mei begged," (popa lose his mind and he better go find now, really you are stuck with us Cao! Your wife and son are not going anywhere, or with anyone. ) (We just talked, I listen, eating a piece of sponge cake 🎂, try it this is a good start for you.my mother did it, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother and great great great grandmother. Even my father, my grandfather, great grandfather, my great great grandfather and great great great grandfather had.) said, Sun Mei.