Hawaii Take over

Arthur woke up early in the morning. it has been a week since the End, they have been preparing for the rescue but another problems dawn upon them. where will they put the people, after a meeting which took 10 hours. the leaders finally arrive at an conclusion. they can take a city that would be a public base so they chose Hawaii since it was the closest to them.

Arthur walk in the Grand Majestic hallway the leads to the command room. his personnel have long surpassed the 10,000. but its not something that would be impressive since its just 1% of the Population the Imperium could take. when Arthur was going to the Command room he saw Jeanne in a maid uniform. he could feel his heart racing, Jeanne just looks so beautiful in a maid Uniform.

"Jeanne" Arthur talks to her wishing for a normal meeting between a man and woman. but a wish never comes true, Jeanne face was emotionless as she bows.

"Your Majesty"

Looking at Jeanne. Arthur sighed, his expression of disappointment was obvious. when Jeanne saw this he asked if something was up..

"My Emperor did I do something wrong" Jeanne ask while feeling nervous, but Arthur didn't notice it and said what was on his mind.

"Jeanne I'll be Honest, Your my Secretary and Maid right?"

"Y...yes I'm your maid" Jeanne said while stuttering her body was shaking.

"So what is you job?"

"To serve the Emperor"

Arthur look at Jeanne while she was lowering her head. Arthur sighed and flicks her forehead.

"That isn't your only job right?"

"Wha... My only job is serving the Emperor" Jeanne retorted while putting her hands on her forehead. When Arthur saw this he was happy, he finally saw her weakside. 'It must be the effect of war, that maybe the reason she puts a shield on her heart so that her heart won't get hurt' Arthur look at her and said.

"Your Job as a Maid is Serving me, While your job as a Secretary is giving me advice"

"Emperor you didn't say about being a Secretary" She retorted.

"Well I agree.. I just told you about the job yesterday, we were even discussing about the army deployment" Arthur said while putting his palm on his forehead while shaking it. 'Forget it' Arthur without saying anything continued on his path. both of them arrived in front of the metal door. before going in Arthur said something to Jeanne. as he opens the door.

"Oh.. By the war My name is Arthur"

Arthur walk in the command room and saw the leaders. all of them kneeled and said their greetings. Arthur just nodded and went into his sit while Jeanne was following him in a daze state.

"Emperor the troops deployment is ready" one of the leader said.

"what about the scorpion tanks?" Arthur Asked.

"the 500 tanks are now operational" the leader reported.

Yesterday, while they were discussing about Hawaii. one of the leaders suggest about the ground troops which made the meeting very long. after much deliberation, Arthur agreed to have ground troops which could protect them while on the ground. the Air force are only for Bombing and Transport or Support. Arthur built one kind of tank, the Scorpion Tank.

After the meeting. all the personnel that were in the command room went into the military base. all of them were watching the troops, Arthur could not help but watch in awe on his own soldiers. if you describe what situation Arthur is in should be like the Red Alert 3 Empire of the Rising sun opening. there were so many soldiers and tanks line up. while Pelicans were flying through the sky. heck Arthur even saw the Heavy Carrier. it was very big and with the pelicans surrounding it. which looks very Epic.

All of them went into the Pelican and the Pelican flew to the Carrier. Arthur was surprised that it was bigger in person. the Pelican lands on the hanger that was inside the Carrier. Arthur was escorted by soldiers, the Heavy Carrier was big that it was so complex inside it. After a while Arthur was finally inside the bridge.


Meanwhile on Hawaii....

"Captain..our..troops....ar.. going.to....be...Overrun" a soldier said while panting. The Captain looks at the panting soldier and said in a solemn expression.

"We must protect the civilians and wait for reinforcements" after hearing the captain the soldier sighed. They have lost contact of the mainland for a week, they don't even know if the mainland is ok or not.



They could hear gunshots and explosions on a distance. Hawaii was full of zombies and it was hard to survive because the zombies are to concentrated. The survivors were shivering, while some of them picks up sharp sticks or blunt objects asking if they could help the soldiers.

"Captain.... the first line of defense has been Overrun" a female soldier reports to the Captain.

"It seems that we don't have time left" the Captain sighed. all of the soldiers look at their Captain while trying to prevent their tears from falling. all of them knew they won't survive but they still didn't give up. many of them have their families with them while some didn't want to accept they would just die like that.

After a while another soldier runs into the camp and he looks excited.

"Captain we have seen an Unidentified Flying Object"

"What.... is it Reinforcements" the Captain ask with hope flashing on his eyes.

"No... sir. they didn't come from our military" the soldier answered

"So who is it" the Captain ask the soldier.

"They are the Imperium... Sir."

All of them went out of the tent. and look at the sky. They could see a Massive Spaceship while Aircrafts surrounding it, the aircrafts were finding a place to land. After the Aircrafts land Tanks went out inside of it. The soldiers we're shock that they saw a massive military forces.


"Emperor all of our men have landed.... Extermination Process is in motion" a Leader said. Arthur was looking the city from the bridge, it doesn't look so devastated. Probably due to the EMP which cut of all Vehicles and Electronic devices. Jeanne was standing beside looking at the city with full of curiosity. The Heavy Carrier was hovering on top of the American Military Base. Arthur doesn't know if the American soldier would be converted as his Soldiers. They probably need news about they're country.

Pelicans we're flying above the buildings and tanks we're bulldozing the zombies on the ground. Soldiers using Flamethrowers to burn the dead bodies, all of the American soldiers we're watching the Imperium Soldiers in amazement. The IoM Soldiers we're just burning bodies like they were some filthy xenos. The captain went to talk some of the soldiers while they just ignore him, A high military female Imperium soldier arrive in front of the captain. all of the American soldiers look at her, they were at dazed. Especially the young ones. She looks very cold and with her sharp eyes and blonde hair. While looking at her the soldiers gulp. and she asked.

"Hello.... are you the High ranking soldier here?"

"Ye...yes I'm the captain"

"How many people and soldiers are with you?" she asked.

"5000 Civilians and 1000 Soldiers, if not for you we would not have survive with our supplies that only last us for a week" the captain sincerely thank the Female soldier. but the Female didn't accept his thank or rather ask him to thank someone else.

"You should thank the Emperor of Man"

"Who's that?" the captain asked.

"The Emperor of Man, The First Evolver (if you include weeks before the apocalypse), The one that can save Humankind or Maybe the God of Mankind" the Female soldiers exudes a fanatical aura, while smiling.

"Um.... Okay" the Captain stop asking, while he looks at the Heavy Carrier. and thought 'The emperor she talks about should be a powerful human and if the emperor can build things like this he may be the most powerful man in the world'

The Heavy Carrier was hovering on top of Hawaii and all the people of Hawaii could see this. they look amazed at the Behemoth, the zombie horde we're being destroyed. by the Pelicans and Tanks, Explosions could be heard everywhere.

Arthur look at the city once again and went into his bedroom while ordering the Admiral to return. Jeanne was going to follow him but stop and look at the Admiral and gave an order.

"Don't disturb the both of us" Jeanne Ordered the Admiral with a cold gaze.

"Understood" the Admiral felt his cold sweat fall from his forehead.


All People look at the Heavy Carrier returning to the Imperium of Man in Amazement. they imagine what it felt to ride a massive spaceship like the Heavy Carrier. The Heavy Carrier use it thruster to return to the island while a dozens of Pelicans following it.