"All right. Class dismissed. Please don't forget about your homework guys!" My science teacher says as we hear the ring of the bell. It's already 12 noon and that means Lunch time - and is one of the reasons I love going to school. Aside from that, science became one of my favorite subjects. Not because of Mr. Dickens and definitely not because I'm smart, cause I'm certainly not. I like it simply because I am paired for laboratory sessions with the most handsome boy in the school - Brian Hughes.

He is the basketball captain and he's smart too, I guess. His curly golden brown hair falls naturally on his forehead. The roasted steak like skin tone makes him hot. His nose compliments well with his mesmerizing grey eyes, and his lips...

"Hello? Class is over. Move!" - He glared at me like I'm some type of a worm. I'm used to it though. "Sorry" I responded softly while I scooch away. I've never been close to my classmates. Never was a popular girl.

I packed my books and head towards the cafeteria. Again, it's full of teenagers, gossiping and talking about nonsense. Nevertheless, I successfully made my way to the Food lady. Peanut butter sandwich is my favorite so I can't not have it in my tray. I added some yogurt drink and salad on the side. When I was on my way to the exit, carrying my meal carefully, I glimpsed at the far left side corner of the area. There I saw my sister, my twin at that - Elizabeth MacMillan. A dashing, super sexy, one of the most popular and loved by many, twin sister. We are like heaven and earth.

Her nasally, honeyed voice was on the roof again. Sorrounded by her friends, including Brian, she was all giggles. "Why would I even wonder?" I muffled. It's the obvious. Hot girl should be with a hot guy, with their hot friends - and she's a cheerleader too. Not minding them, I focused my attention to my destination. A few steps later, I found my usual spot. The place where I can feel cozy. A shaded area with a single red maple tree to relax on. I hurriedly sat down on its fallen leaves and enjoyed the scent of the Fall season. Pulled out my phone and listened to my soundtrack while eating my delicious Lunch.

"Excuse me, are you Sophia McMillan?" I heard someone mention my name. I removed my earphones and looked up. I can't see the face clearly because my eyes are blurred by the sunlight, but I was able to notice that it was a guy - very rare. Let alone remember my full name. I used my left hand to minimize the volume of the sun rays, and I instantly recognized the gorgeous man in front of me. Luke Matthews - the rising star of the football team. Why do they keep coming?.. and where do they get their genes from? Not that I have complaints about it though.

"Ye..yes. That's me." I barely managed to answer. I was too shy to even look at him in the eyes.

"Great!. Uhmm...hey Sophia, really good to see you. Do you have a sec by the way? I would like to ask you something." He continues.

"Sure!" I responded excitedly.

Not wasting any time, he sits down beside me and unzip his bag to get something inside. He then reveals a medium size red envelope. Luke taps it on the palm of his left hand before looking up to me again.

"So... I would like to give you this invitation letter for my birthday this Saturday night. Will you be able to come?" He asked with those puppy eyes. Now, I can't say no to that.

"I don't have any plans this Saturday. I believe I can." I replied without batting an eye.

"Thanks! I promise it would be awesome!" Luke exclaimed.

He handed me the envelope and stood up. Why would somebody like him, care to invite me?. We never really spoke before. As much as I wanted to ask the question, I wouldn't want to have him change his mind now. - so I silently nodded in approval.

"Hey.. uhhmm.. you might wonder when you open the letter, so let me just tell you right ahead." Luke started talking again.

"The name inside is Elizabeth but.. can't give it to her right now.. so that's yours instead. Anyways, your twins. It shouldn't matter right?" He laughingly asked the question.

"Yeah" I answered flatly. These type of remarks are a red flag to me.

"Cool. Don't forget to bring your sister, okay?!" He shouted while running away.

Great! So the invitation was for my sister. I'm just the carrier. Lucky me!

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down now tiger." Nathalie commented. Distracting me from my worn out thoughts. She was apparently watching from afar.

"Why was he here?" I knew she'd ask. So without verbally answering my friend, I opened the envelope and showed her the name written inside.

"So he thought you were Elizabeth?" she asked, frowning her eyebrows.

"No. That would have been better!". I bursted.

"My mistake. That is a million times impossible!" I say to correct myself.

"So what happened then? her eyes widenened with curiosity.

"He knew who I was but still approached me so I could bring my sister to his birthday party cause he can't come near her because Brian is there! The end." I explained with no breaks in between.

"Shhhuuutt uupp!.. so he likes your sister too?

Is she some type of a modern world

hoarder?.. just saying you know." She replied, raising her two hands.

"Let's stop talking about my sister please." I requested.

"No problem with me Fifi. So what do you want to talk about?" She obliged.

"So...did your uncle mention anything strange about Mrs. Bauer?" I asked out if nowhere. I can also see she did not expect that.

"Hmmm.. aside from all the creepy religious stuff inside her house, nothing else hits home" she immediately answered while chewing her apple. I kinda feel disappointed. I hoped I can find more information so I can get answers myself. I guess I'm stuck.. or so I thought..

"Oh wait!.. I think he mentioned some scribbles of blood on the wall. What was that again..?"

I can see that she's trying her best to remember so I patiently waited.

"A..Z?.. or was it A..S?..Hey you should never share this okay? My mom will kill me!" Nathalie declared.

"WHO THE HECK IS THAT?" I pondered.