I ALMOST FORGOT. I never had the chance to have a serious talk with Dad nor the other Guardians, not even Mrs. Anne, about who my real Parents are. They may have been pushing away the topic intentionally whenever I ask about it.

Aside from school work, the Guardians, except Dad can't just appear in front of me if either 'mom' or Elizabeth is at home so it was quite difficult to discuss to them about these things, so I just brushed it off.

Nevertheless, finally meeting MOM today puts me at ease. Now, I kinda want to know who my DAD really  is - the guy who fell in Love with this strong woman beside me and the one who received back her affection and was gifted with a child. I want to know more about how they met and where he is right now - no matter how painful the story might end.

"HER FATHER?? Are you sure about that Celestine?" Mr. Francis asks, wide eyed. He sounded more shocked than I am.