"Are you alright?" 

"Yes Mom. I think I am."

"Ok. You can now open your eyes." She says as she removed her hands that covered both of my eyes. 

I followed her instructions, slowly I go.. as I control my breathing. Inhale, exhale. The first thing that prompted in front of me wass my Mom's face, worried and anxious. 

"How did you do that?" I asked, astonished on what I had just experienced.

"It is one of my gifts Sophia." She answered immediately while caressing my untied hair.

"How do you feel?" She returned to me with a question this time.

"A bit dizzy and my blood feels like boiling." I responded. My body feels hot like I was standing directly under the hot sun for hours.

"You may have not noticed Sophia but right now, there is actually a steam coming out from your body."