A beeping sound caught my attention. It was loud enough that I can still hear the annoying noise eventhough I was listening music through my earphones.

I hopped down from the bed, pulled out the plugs in my ears and opened my window - It was Mom's car. She is finally back.

I immediately closed the window back and made my way outside the room to greet her downstairs. As I was walking down the stairs, I heard the front door open and close and so I ran down the steps instead.  

"MOM!" I shouted

"No running Nathalie. You'll get hurt!" She scolded me as a greeting.


"No Buts!... Why were you so excited anyways?"

"Because I'm bored. You and Uncle areaways out and about everyday! I barely see him even! What are the two of you upto nowadays?" 

"What are you trying to say Nathalie?" Mom asked. She placed both of her hands on her waist and squinted her eyes, trying to read the meaning behind my words.