Louie trembled and it is getting worst by the second, the longer his fingers touch Vincent's temple. The latter's body is in no way better than other as well. Derick and Arthur stayed silent as they observed the condition of the other two Guardians.

The cold water on the basin started to boil. It spilled on the floor and it was Arthur's job to make sure that the wasted liquid will be replaced. Derick positioned himself at the side of Vincent, holding his arms and pinning his feet on the floor to control his movement to a minimum.

Minutes have passed and all seeme to have calm down. Both Derick and Arthur relaxed, but only to be caught off guard with another round of severe  shaking from both parties. The closed area was filled  with muffled sounds and the air felt suffocating, dry and skin - peeling.

Sweat trickle down from their forehead, yet they don't have any time to bother wiping it off.