Penemue approached Louie and she taps her finger on his temple and there she saw the things that the Gusrdian was able to see related to Sophia. She did not anticipate that her daughter went through this kind ogmf haunting from her very own FATHER. Penemue knew that Azazel won't simply back down - she knew that he will definitely find a way to get through her descendant, but no to this extent. 

Penemue was in tears after she retracted her arms. She could not believe that this 16 year old had to somehow keep her sanity, all by herself.

"It might have been that shocking if it caused you to cry." Jerahmeel commented after observing the Great Watcher's reaction.

"It.. it was too painful." She responded.

"It is unusual for you to act this way.. but I'm glad to see you acting like a mother, the cold Penemue at that."