Finding The Clue

'Since when did bitches like you dare to challenge me?'

Ryan immediately turned into a shadow and beat the front person first. Since he rarely used his full strength, Ryan could not estimate his strength. Because when he hit the guy's chin hard, he sent the thug flying and landed on their car.

One enemy down.

The other two immediately combined their attacks but it was all useless. Their own knives were stuck at their own chests. Their eyes couldn't keep up with Ryan's full speed. All they knew was that their life was over.

The other three kidnappers stopped charging and stared at each other.

They knew that they would die today.

"Still dare to fight me?" Ryan casually asked.

"Hahaha." The three of them laughed because they knew their end was near, "We also want to experience the true power of one of 12 Aesirs!"