My faith is being tested!

Ryan then released all of the captives. But after that, a noise came from outside and came to the iron door of this basement.

Several people in black clothes stormed inside. They didn't care about Clark still rolling around in pain. They just laughed at Ryan. 

"Wow, it turns out to be Nergal, right?" One of them broke the silence. He looked at Ryan as if he saw trash.

"So you are from Dell'inferno?" Ryan frowned.

"If so, why?" They all immediately blocked Ryan's escape route. There were more than 10 of them and all of them carried pistols.

Clark was still rolling in the ground grimacing in pain when he saw his bodyguards had arrived. The man started smiling and shouted at them, "Hurry and kill that bastard!"

"Die you Ryan bastard!" Clark's eyes were filled with flames of hatred. Later he would have fun with Ryan's corpse and display his head as his trophy.

However, one of the women suddenly stepped on Clark's genitals.
