Now you can't run away

Roger was surprised when he bounced off Ryan's kick. He already knew that Ryan was fast but he didn't expect that he still couldn't keep up with Ryan even at his full speed.

"Full of gaps!" When Roger tried to get back up, Ryan was in front of him and threw a few punches.

Roger immediately blocked it but he could not block 2 strokes properly. With the help of his inner strength, Roger quickly bounced back.

The man rolled in the air until his sunglasses fell off. His face was filled with shock. How could this opponent be so fast, so much faster than him.

Roger took a deep breath, his face was starting to look serious. He stood back up then took a swing and lunged at Ryan at full speed.

Ryan just stood still with cold eyes. When Roger's strike was imminent, he just casually raised one hand and dodged the side a bit and threw his punch right in Roger's face!

That one hit was enough to sink Roger to the ground.