The Big Red Machine

The leader of the Vulture gang had been aware of Kane and Ryan since they arrived. He didn't care about them two but since his rival had said it to him, he began to suspect that his words were true. His gang being famous on the internet was not a good sign.

Ryan had just succeeded in getting Kane to leave, but two people suddenly approached them. They quickly shouted, "You two, come with us!"

Ryan then turned his head and saw the two gang leaders glaring at him. He casually said, "I'm just passing by and don't want anything to do with you. Go ahead."


The Vulture leader and the other one were shocked to hear that. What did he mean by not dealing with them? Hadn't he recorded the whole fight? This was the same as someone sneaking into a person's room to record their intimate moments! 

The two men then thought of the same thing, 'Does that still practically have nothing to do with us?'