Inhuman Power

Matthew screaming out loud from a far, "Hey fat boy! Get off there!"

When Kane turned his head, he saw a bodyguard already swinging his metal stick. In an instant, Kane grabbed his wrist and lifted his entire body.

The man was shocked, how could he be lifted so easily by that fat person? Then his body was flung towards the crowd.


About five people fell down because of him.

However, a bodyguard managed to hit Kane in the stomach. What surprised him was that when his punch landed, a part of Kane's stomach sank but bounced back to normal in an instant. The person immediately bounced off and hit one of his friends.

Dozens of guards saw some of his friends lying and stopped for a moment. For them, anyone who got in their way was their enemy, and therefore they also lunged at Kane.

Kane did not remain silent, he was now also lunging at the men in black.