The Dancing Plant

"You don't need to worry, I didn't do anything bad. I just visited Martin, the leader of the Andromeda Company. With your husband's great negotiation skills, I succeeded in making the Andromeda Company believe in our vision and mission and rewarded us with Felix's formula."

"At first I was surprised by their kindness and when I offered to share the profit, he said he didn't need a penny! How could I reject such a generous offer? We then drank together for a few hours."

"How could they be sincere like that? This formula is worth billions out there. Even if their wealth surpasses us, they should understand how valuable this formula is." Irina still couldn't believe it.

Ryan then thought, 'Why is my wife so naive?'

He briefly looked at Irina and then kissed her!

Irina was surprised and hit Ryan on the shoulder to make him stop.