Female Dormitory

Seeing Ryan about to approach her, Mia immediately looked away, "Didn't you say earlier that today is enough!"

"Of course, a real man never breaks his word." Ryan then took a few steps back.

To get Mia's heart, Ryan must change his perverted image into a romantic man. But that didn't stop him from teasing the woman.

"If you have trouble later, I don't mind if you ask me for help again."

Mia became angry after she heard it and promised that she would never ask him for help again!

After leaving Mia with a satisfied face, Ryan went back on an adventure looking for the ginseng doll. 

When he was casually walking, his cell phone suddenly rang. As he picked it up, Ivanka immediately laughed loudly in his ear.

"Brother! Guess what I found!" Ivanka sounded so enthusiastic.

What did his sister-in-law find? Maybe she was bored and casually called him.