Valerie’s Collection

"Hold on, hold on, I'm just kidding." Seeing that Megan was angry, Ryan quickly tried to comfort her.

"You're just a pervert, I don't want to be with you! Give me back my book or I'll scream." Megan already thought Ryan as a pervert and ignorant man.

"Megan please listen to me." Actually, that was what Ryan said. According to him, it would be a shame if a beautiful woman like her had small breasts. 

Seeing that Ryan didn't want to return her books, Megan quickly stepped on Ryan's feet. This sudden attack made Ryan groan in pain. Those heels really hurt!

After taking her books, Megan said to Ryan, "I hope I won't see you again."

Damn, why was she acting cold now?

'Next time we meet again, I'll teach you a lesson.' Ryan gritted his teeth as he thought, 'What's wrong with getting an implant for your breasts?'

After Megan's figure disappeared from his sight, Ryan decided to go home.