Chasing Criminals

When he knocked on the window, the driver wanted to open the window and ask what was wrong with the commotion outside. But when he opened the window a little, the criminal suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed at him.


The thug was trying to break the window!

After several tries, the glass finally broke and he said with a point. "Get out of the car!"

The driver was frightened and obeyed while shaking. However, at this time, the criminal's shoulder was patted and he turned his head.

A fist flew right at his face!

In an instant, his nose broke and he fell in pain. When he came to his senses, he saw that his attacker was standing in front of him.

The thug then quickly grabbed his gun, but before he could fire it, the man threw another punch in his face and made him fall unconscious.

Ryan then removed the person's gun and said to the frightened driver, "Sit down and lie down until things get better."