Bro, Let Me Beat Them

"Money is not everything in this world. If you keep underestimating everyone, you'll see then the people you are underestimating right now can kill you!" Ryan's gaze became serious. "Next time you dare to underestimate me again, I will cut this finger of yours."

However, Carla shouted loudly, "Help me! He's a thief!"

Hearing this, Ryan let out a cold breath. He then removed Carla's finger but he managed to squeeze a few acupoints before he removed them.

Carla quickly took cover behind her two bodyguards. Her eyes were immediately filled with hatred towards Ryan.

At this time, people began to gather because of Carla's cries for help. The ginseng doll on Kane's shoulder was curious about why so many people had gathered. She became anxious and jumped frantically over Kane's head.

Ryan stood still, neither speaking nor moving. However, the audience suddenly screamed hysterically.