Baby, Don’t Be Angry

The flight attendant was frozen on the spot. She blushed with embarrassment right away. How could this person ask this kind of question? Wasn't his partner beside him?

Irina was embarrassed to death. She pretended to sleep to cover her fuming anger. She could not understand why Ryan always flirted with any beautiful woman he met.

"Sir...This is...." The flight attendant was really in a dilemma. Ryan then said with a smile, "You only need to nod if it's true."

After hesitating a little, the flight attendant nodded slowly. 

Ryan then nodded in satisfaction. "As expected, my eyes cannot be deceived."

The flight attendant was really embarrassed.

"Alright, enough of me." Ryan then saw the stewardess running quickly.

He drank his orange juice and saw Irina facing the window without wanting to look at him. "Honey, what good is there looking at those clouds?"

"At least it's nicer than women's breasts." Irina said in a cold tone.