This is Bad!

When he was done, he rushed out but the door was looking into his face. As he was about to curse it, Ryan was surprised when he saw who pushed hard on the door.


What's more, Valerie was not wearing her work clothes but hot pants combined with a black tank top. Her white legs and cleavage made her look very sexy. Her clothes today looked transparent that Ryan clearly saw Valerie wearing blue underwear.

At this time, Valerie seemed to be holding her stomach. It seemed like she was really dying.

"Ryan?" Valerie was also surprised to see Ryan. What was he doing in the women's restroom?

"Hey why are you in the girls toilet?" Valerie almost forgot that she was dying to pee.

Ryan slapped his forehead, how could Valerie make a mistake like this.

"Valerie, this is a men's toilet. You entered the wrong place."

"Ah?" Valerie blushed. "Sorry I rushed earlier, I didn't see clearly."