Food Truck

The victim was still pretending to be curled up in pain. He thought of why his trick didn't work as usual today. He should have received his money by this time.

'No! I won't give up! If I don't get my money, then I'll keep pretending to be sick!' He muttered inside his heart.

Seeing this person's stubbornness, Ryan just crouched down and touched one of his acupoints. The person immediately jumped in surprise.

The audience immediately laughed when he saw him. That person's acting was really bad.

"Quit pretending. We didn't bump into you at all," Ryan said with a sigh.

"Who said you didn't hit me? It was clear that you hit me and my insides were injured. If you don't give me money now then I will never leave here,"

If his demand couldn't be fulfilled, then he would threaten him!

Ryan just smiled. "You can run easily earlier, which part really hurts?"

"Ha ha ha." The audience laughed once again.