Dirty Hands

"This time he asked for 1000 calories. After he entered the room, there was already another beautiful woman waiting for him. This time the woman said that if he caught up with her, she would have sex with him. After chasing her for more than 45 minutes, the man managed to catch up and have sex with the woman for 1 hour," he continued.

Irina didn't dare to look at Ryan. How could he be that vulgar?

"This man is clearly feeling happy and he's been losing weight in the last two days. For the third time he went to the gym and chose 1500. As usual, he entered a room," Ryan suddenly stopped telling stories.

The women were curious. "Why? What happened next?"

"The man found an orangutan sitting," Ryan smiled, "the orangutan's nurse kept saying that if this orangutan caught him, it would have sex with him. As a result, that person ran with all his might."

Valerie laughed secretly, Ryan's unexpected ending was really funny to her.