Thank You, I love You

After seeing Irina leaving, Ryan really felt happy. He felt refreshed and energized, and he was in a really good mood. He could even feel his internal wounds wouldn't recur, thanks to his grandfather's medicinal soup and the happiness he felt from last night. He felt he had reversed his age several years younger.

With a happy face, Ryan also left the house.

However, he did not immediately go to the office, he headed for Kane's boarding house.

He had not seen his younger brother for a long time. He didn't know what kind of activities Kane had been doing lately.

When he reached Kane's house, he could hear loud laughter. And when he opened the door to his room, he saw Kane and the ginseng doll laughing together.

Seeing Ryan, Kane immediately smiled. "Senior brother!"

When the ginseng doll saw Ryan, she was also happy. She quickly climbed onto Ryan's shoulders then stretched out her white, fat hand then poked Ryan's cheek.