At The Lacroix's Mansion

Mia was quite surprised to see Ryan, she didn't expect her friend to appear in front of her.

"Weren't you in Batavia?" She still remembered a few days ago when Ryan asked her for help. She didn't expect that she would meet the guy here. Since his problem was concerned with the most important person in town—Irina Hagrim, Mia had thought that it would take Ryan some weeks to finish it.

"Yes I just came back," Ryan said with a smile. "Don't worry about my problem, everything is settled. Why are you here, by the way? Catching another thief?"

Hearing that Ryan's problem had been resolved, Mia felt relieved too. However, when she heard Ryan's sarcasm regarding catching the thief, Mia frowned. "You mean?"

Ryan shook his head. "If you are not catching criminals right now, do you want to catch my heart instead?"