It's Your Fault!

"Do you know that peeping others is a crime?" Ryan shook his head. The ginseng doll looked excited, not knowing what he was saying. 

"Why are you here?" Ryan asked curiously.

Suddenly, the ginseng doll's face turned gloomy, as if she was in pain. Her fat hand then touched Ryan's palm. Then, under Ryan's gaze, a drop of white blood in the form of beads came out and fell on his hand.

While enduring the pain, the ginseng doll gave Ryan a drop of her blood. It was the third time the doll had given him a drop of its blood. 

The first time she gave it to him was when Ryan tried to save Valerie's grandmother's life. The second time she gave it to him, Ryan kept it in the cupboard in his house and now the third drop was in the palm of his hand.

"Is this for me?" Ryan looked at the ginseng doll.

The ginseng doll nodded slowly. After giving the blood to Ryan, the doll ran away. It felt like she was trying to find Kane.