Inner Turmoil

Five hours later, Ryan woke Megan up from her deep sleep and took her off the train.

Though it was already late at night, getting back in her beloved city of Avalerion made Megan sigh in disbelief. She almost wept at the scent for her freedom.

If it weren't for Ryan, she would have become a victim of human trafficking.

"It's okay to cry your feelings out. I am here," Ryan said. "If anyone bothers you again then I will kill them on the spot!"

"Huh? Who wants to cry," Megan wiped her tears. "I'm a lecturer so I have to set a good example,"

"Lecturer or not, you are still a woman. You almost had a terrible incident. Crying happy tears isn't setting a bad example."

Megan then walked towards the exit with her head held high, she would not let that terrible incident haunt her.

With a smile, Ryan hailed a taxi and got in with her. "Do you want to go to your mother's house or to your own house?"