Taming The King

Seeing the creatures in front of him were terrified, this male lion looked satisfied. It seemed that his roar had succeeded in stopping their actions. When he was about to return under the tree to lie down, suddenly the humans in front of him cheered.

"Wow the roar is really awesome!" Said one of the people. "I got a little wet!"

"Mom, I'm scared," a child was seen crying in his mother's arms.

"I'm going to share his fantastic roar on social media," many people also managed to record him earlier.


Seeing the humans cheering and taking his photo again, the male lion looked confused. Why didn't the creatures run away in fear?

Ryan felt so bored.

"I'll be going to the toilet for a bit," he said to Ivanka.

Ivanka didn't hear him, her attention was completely focused on the lion.