Damn You!

"Honey, I need to go away for a while. It's not long, maybe half a month," Ryan said.

Irina was silent for a moment but then replied in a soft tone, "Fine, be careful. Don't forget to bring me a souvenir!"

Ryan was a little moved, Irina did not ask anything about his reason for leaving. As for the souvenirs, it seemed that his wife wanted him to come home safely but was too shy to say it directly.

"Okay," Before hanging up the phone, Ryan added, "I'll miss you so much.... I love you,"

In her room, Irina couldn't stop smiling when she heard Ryan's sweet words. Her heart couldn't be any warmer than this.

Not long after, Ryan arrived at the airport and finally boarded his plane.

The plane finally took off right after. Ryan sat down in his seat while looking out the window. He watched the white clouds hovering, but his mind was still focused on the problem with Golge.