Attack On The Fortress

All the crew immediately aimed their weapons at Ryan who had just landed behind them, but it was too late. Ryan was already rushing towards them and killing them one by one!

"Keep shooting!" Oliver quickly took out his gun. He did not think that Ryan could board his ship that way. 

However, Ryan had managed to cut the distance between them and fought at close range. The crew were hesitant to fire their weapons, they might even hit their friends.

Taking advantage of this, Ryan beat them one by one.

The pilots on the side of Nergal's army were still busy dodging the bullets, but they were surprised to find their master on the enemy's carrier. The shot aimed in their direction slowly stopped. This also happened on their ship.

Seeing this, everyone's blood was boiling and their tears fell profusely. This was their master, the king of the underworld, Nergal the God of War!



