Home Alone With My Wife

Throwing his tedious thoughts away, he stood up and greeted his wife with a smile. "Finally, you came home dear,"

Irina came with lots of shopping bags and when she saw Ryan, she smiled back. "I brought a lot of ingredients today, I'll cook for you later."

"Wow, my beloved wife has never cooked for me so far but now she's going to do it. I'm so happy," Ryan smiled and hugged her from behind. "Honey, Ivanka will stay in her dorm today,"

After hearing this, Irina's face turned red. Her memory of the unique gift that Ryan gave her after he came back from Japan returned to haunt her. What an embarrassing gift!

"Are you impatient?" Ryan laughed as he played his hand on Irina's chest.

"You just can't wait!" Irina gently came out of Ryan's embrace and stuck her tongue while walking to the kitchen.

Smiling, Ryan followed Irina into the kitchen.