The God of Gambling 

It wasn't a mistake for making Ryan his ally, and with this, nothing else could prevent him from going to the top!

Ryan felt relieved both in heart and stomach. It's true that the fart was his! Before anyone could say anything, he had immediately accused Asmodeus of being the culprit so that he would not be a suspect.

Asmodeus was really angry, his eyes were cold. Not long after, a man who looked sleepy and lazy came to their table.

"Hey, what are you doing calling me?"

Darby's face really looked sleepy, it looked like he hadn't slept in days. The cigarette in his mouth was still burning and his long black hair looked disheveled.

"Darby, I need your help," Asmodeus quickly stood up and told Darby everything.

Then people who'd known of Darby were shocked. "Wow, does he know Darby?"

Every casino had the greatest guy to beat the "lucky" guys that night.