Not All Hero Wears A Cap

However, Ryan did not listen to him and jumped high like a kangaroo. After that, he climbed the cliff very fast.

The organizer was surprised to see how high Ryan jumped. The audience was also surprised when they saw him climbing so easily.

"Wow, that guy is fast!"

"Not only fast, his movements look like a pro!"

"Is that person a mountain hermit?"

Even without equipment, Ryan quickly climbed up towards the girl who was still in danger. Everyone was amazed as they saw him climbing without any difficulty. Was that person the god of climbing?

But of course they would ask something like that since they didn't know Ryan's true identity. 

Who was he again? He was Nergal the God of War!

Ryan's extraordinary action amazed everyone. It was as if he was walking over a flat cliff, truly unbelievable.

Several people immediately took out their cellphones to record it.

"Look, that's our local Spiderman!"