A Pure Sacrifice

After that, he lunged forward like a wolf and killed anyone who dared to get in his way.

Stygian Blade, old man Boreas and Hera immediately took a distance, they knew that there was a change in their opponent. However, it was all too late for Hera. In the midst of her retreating steps, Ryan caught her leg and slammed her down hard. Luckily, Hera landed on one of the bodies of the unconscious person, otherwise she would have died. The pirate queen then fell unconscious.

Ryan seemed to have turned into a beast, no one could keep up with him. He mercilessly killed his enemies one by one, nothing could stop him!

When Nicholas saw this change in the battlefield, his facial expression turned grim. If it continued like this then all of his subordinates would definitely die. Nobody would be left to protect him.

When he hesitated, he noticed Irina and Ivanka in their hiding place. In an instant, a brilliant idea came to his mind.