Mad Skilled Criminal

Not long after that, all the police cars at the airport immediately chased him. Wasn't this like a Hollywood action movie? 

Something as surprising as this could only happen in American movies. But this was Batavia, the capital of crimea. The city was tightly secured considering that higher ranks running the country were in this city. In fact, it was not uncommon for fully armed police to patrol to prevent crimes. 

"Who was it? How could he do that?"

"Did that mean all those police only came here to arrest one person?"

The passengers stuck outside were still wondering what was going on. However, a young man seemed to have posted the incident on his social media.

Meanwhile, Ryan was still driving at full speed on the other side. He didn't care about traffic signs at all. Hearing the sound of the sirens catching up, most of the cars did not dare to drive in front of him and had already made way for him.