
Rina's P.O.V

I Rina Wilson, never in my wildest dreams I imagined a day like this in my life. The day I enter a FAKE MARRIAGE!!

I stare at the mirror and find two amber-colored eyes staring back at me, wearing a long white wedding gown with a flower bouquet on her hands. I sighed at my own reflection. I put on a fake smile and turned to face my best friends/ bridesmaids, Teresa and Ai.

"Aww! You're looking stunning." They beamed their brightest smile.

"I can't believe you're getting married to Rihito! I mean how come I didn't know something was going on between you guys. Something more than just your fights, something so romantic." Teresa pouted. "It's really strange, how come I didn't notice?" She mulled over it tapping her chin with her index finger.

Oh, trust me, I didn't know either, because there's nothing really going on, Nothing at all!

"And you guys dared to keep your relationship a secret huh?" Teresa turned her accusing gaze at me. "Just wait until I get my hands on that stupid Rihito..." She rolled her eyes and then glared back at me. "And you, my dear best friend, you've still got lots to talk about. I'm not letting you off so easily."

Oh no here she comes again! I smiled at her nervously. Well, Teresa, we share a thing in common, I want to strangle that Rihito too, your help would be gladly appreciated, I thought to myself.

"Oh come on Teresa, it's her wedding day. Don't get mad at her." Our best friend, Ai tried to calm her down.

Teresa looked at her and smiled, "My dear Ai, that's why I don't have their heads on my hands right now. Trust me I'm trying my best here not to strangle the bride and the groom on their happy and auspicious day. Some nerves they've got to keep it a secret from me until this very day." She crossed her arms against her chest.

"I'm really sorry for keeping it a secret from you," I hung my head apologetically, "and thank you Ai, thank you, Teresa, for being here." I smiled at them.

I need you guys right now. And sorry for keeping yet another secret. I mentally apologized, part of me was so scared, if Teresa were to find about this secret, she would literally have our heads.

But, it's all because of him, my so-called husband uh-huh, I shook my head, fake husband-to-be, I corrected myself, If only he didn't put me in this situation.... only if I wasn't this helpless... I let out a sigh.

You brought this upon yourself! My subconscious snarled at me. I know! If only I didn't agree with his stupid suggestion. If only I didn't agree to help him at all.

I shook my head with regret but what's done is done and I can't escape my fate. I sighed in resignation.

Rihito's P.O.V

"So, you are getting married huh?" You and Rina?" I heard my best friend, Ryouma Carlton laugh behind me.

"And what's so funny?" I glare at his reflection on the mirror.

"Everything!" That bastard, his laugh grew louder. I rolled my eyes at him as I fixed my tie, "But I don't understand, how the hell did this happen? Why? and when?" He asked trying to suppress his laugh.

"You don't know about this?" I heard my other best friend, Aaron who was sitting on the couch holding his phone on his hand, he stared at our best friend in disbelief.

"Nope," He shook his head. "this idiot didn't tell me a single thing," He shrugged and eyed me accusingly.

"Excuse me? I thought you didn't want to hear about it Ryouma!" I glared at him, "Remember the day I called you to talk about this and you ditched me terribly." I scowled at the insane demon who began to laugh again.

The demon then stifled his laughter, "Ah yes, and don't you dare tell me anything which I'll have to keep as a secret from my wife and especially when it involves her best friend." He replied with a serious look on his face.

"Of course you can't tell Teresa. NO, NOT AT ALL!" I shouted at him. "She'll kill me!" I trembled at the thought.

"But you're not safe now either. She's very angry and is looking for you since morning." The devil dared to laugh again.

Damn! Me and her best friend, getting married and she comes to know about it just a day before the wedding! Of course, she'll go crazy about it!

"You guys scared of a girl?" Aaron blinked at the new information.

"She's one hell of a girl." I turned to Aaron, "She tamed this demon, got him wrapped around her fingers. That tells it all, my friend."

Forget Teresa, I've got another woman to worry about more than her.

That woman must be as eager as Teresa to have his head as her wedding gift, the very girl he dared to threaten/blackmail, his feisty princess.

What have I gotten myself into? He shook his head. Well, it all started that day! He reminisced.