Chapter 8

"Please Rina!!" Rihito begged.


"Please, Rina! Please! I'll never ask for anything, I swear. Please Rina, one last favor." He practically begged, kneeling down in front of her.

"You said the exact same thing a month ago and here you are again! No means NO!" Rina replied crossing her arms against her chest.

"Please, Rina! Please Marry me." Rihito looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Shut up and get out of my house." Rina pulled him up and dragged him out of the house, closing the door on his face.

A few hours later

Rina's office

"Wow! What a hot guy!" A girl whispered.

"Oh my god, he's so sexy!" added the other one.

"So dreamy." another girl joined them.

"Sorry to break your heart girls but it looks like he's already got a girlfriend." Another girl pointed at the flower in the guy's hands.

"Or maybe he's trying to woo a girl from our office? How I wish it was me! It is one of us?" said the other.

Seeing them slacking off, Rina came out of her cabin with a coffee mug in her hand and glared at the girls. "What's going on? Don't you guys need to work? Go and bring the project file to me."

"Yes, mam." One of the girls quickly ran back to her desk.

"Do I need to specifically tell each of you to go back to your work?" She glared at other girls, who immediately dispersed.

"Come on, Rina! Don't be too hard on them." Rina heard her colleague, Catherine from behind.

"I just want my work done on time." Rina rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

Just then she noticed a familiar face entering the office.

"What the hell?!" She choked on her drink, spilling it on her dress.

"Hey, you okay?" Catherine patted her back.

"Yeah, just a minute." Rina smiled at her friend and walked to the door.

Rihito waved at her and smiled, Rina pulled him by his collar, dragged him into the lift.

"Hi!" He again waved at her.

As the lift reached the underground parking lot. She pushed him out. She looked around, after making sure the parking lot was empty, she yelled at him, "what the hell are you doing here?"

"Flowers... umm... for you? Marry me?" Rihito smiled as he presented the bouquet.

"you want to die?" She glared at him.

"What do I need to do to make you say yes?" Rihito sighed.

"Get out!" Rina shouted.

"You'll marry me then?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Shut up and get the hell out of this place!" she yelled.

"Wait, should I go and invite your entire office to our wedding?" Rihito began to walk towards the lift.

"Do you have a death wish? What will you take to get out of here?" Rina blocked his way, pushing him back.

"Just a simple yes." he grinned.

"You know what! You're dead!" She glared at him and threw a fist at his face which unfortunately punched nothing but air as Rihito easily dodged her punch, instead he grabbed hold of her hands and locked them behind her back, pulling her close to him.

'what just happened?' Rina thought to herself.

"Look I die by your hands or Grandy's guns, either way, I die." He whispered to her. "So please help me?" He asked pulling an innocent babyface.

"Let go of me!" She glared at him as she tried to free herself.

"Hey, relax. You don't want to create a scene right? let's talk this over dinner? My house, I'll wait for you." He whispered in her ear then slowly released her as he spotted the staff from her office. "Do not forget, My home at 7." he winked at her as he made his way to his car, he gave her one last look before he entered the car then he drove off while Rina stood there dumbfounded.


In the end, I came. Rina sighed as she stood in front of his penthouse door.

"Rina, you're not going to stay here even one minute, just tell him no! and get the hell out of this place. You've already created a problem agreeing to be his fake girlfriend but no more. this is the end, yes, The end!" She nodded to herself, taking a deep breath she pressed the bell. The door opened immediately and the owner of the house happily jumped in front of her.

"thank you for coming," He grinned widely which made Rina even more irritated, wanting to break all those perfect white teeth.

"Look I'm here just to tell you that my answer is the same. A NO is NO!" She made it clear, "Now, bye, and do not bother me again!" She turned her back and began to walk away without a second's delay.

Before she could take another step out of the door, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Wait a minute, did you really came all the way here just to say no?"

"Yes!" She tried to get out of his grip but damn was he always this strong?

"Okay, I won't force you," He turned her around to face him. "But have dinner before you go." He added.

Oh no no! Rina, just get away from here, and get away from him or else he's going to pull some trick again and you are going to fall for it again! So better run away now than to regret later. You dare not say yes! Her subconscious self warned her.

"No, I'll just leave." She tried to move but he blocked her path, "Hey I told you I won't force you over this, please have dinner before you leave, please?" He circled his arm around her neck, crouching down to her level, he looked into her eyes. "Please? Just a dinner, hmm?" He made an innocent face, "Please, Hmm?" He pouted.

"Don't make that face, it's creepy!" Rina rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I'm trying my best to act all cute and innocent and you call it creepy?!" Rihito complained.

"Cute and innocent? try something you can, innocence is far off character!" She sneered.

"Still you're having dinner with me, let's go." He pulled her along to the dining hall.

At the table

"Here lady, have a seat." He pulled out a chair for her. "Special date for a special lady, be grateful not everyone gets a special date with me."

"What now? trying to butter me up? Special Date? special lady? Yeah right!" She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you're special, 'kay? Not everyone gets to visit my house and have dinner made by me, not even Ryouma and Aaron had this special treatment." He boasted.

"Say all you want. A NO is a NO!" She bluntly rejected him.

"Then I really have to tell Grandy all about this? Argh! He's going to kill me." Rihito whined.

There he goes, She thought.

"Rihito! I know what you're trying to do! Stop or else I'm out of here." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh don't worry, he won't kill his own grandson, would he? I really hope he doesn't. I don't want to die so young!" He sighed. "But, I'm more worried about my granny she may refuse to operate, you know she wished to see me getting married before her surgery and she was so happy to meet you, she has already considered you as her daughter. What does it matter to you it's my granny we're talking about, but you're right, I cant always burden you with my problems, you've got your own life." He sighed again.

"Look Rihito, I love granny too. Your grandparents have been so good to me, don't you dare say I don't care about them! I'm really sorry, but I can't lie to your grandparents anymore. They'll forgive us and it'll be less painful for them knowing everything right now than later. So let's just tell them the truth and save the trouble. I really can't do the lying anymore, every time I meet them as your fake girlfriend.... it hurts me to cheat them." She tried to make him understand.

After a pause he spoke, "You don't have to, you know."

"Huh?" She raised a brow at him.

"I mean I'll do all the lying you just have to sit and smile and nothing else, and it's not like we're getting married for real, the father will be fake, fake vows, we won't even get registered and after that, we can live separately as we do now, you in your home and me in mine. It's not like they'll spy on us or anything and after few months we'll start to fight over small things like how I don't like that you're strict and nag me all the time and you can complain that even after marriage I'm still a flirt, not loyal to you and how messy I am and I'll give you thousands of more reasons." He tried to convince her.

"A fake father, fake vows, fake marriage! I am complaining about that fake!" Rina glared at him.

"Then what? You want to get married for real?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Oh my god NO! Not even in my wildest dreams, I'd do that!" She shouted.

"Ouch, my ears!" Rihito covered his ears instinctively. "Then what's the problem? I told you I'll do all the lying part, leave everything to me."

"Okay fine, Mr. Rihito Carlen, tell me how will you handle the media?" She crossed her arms and stared at him.

"Media?" Rihito cocked his head in confusion.

"Your Grandy whose one and only idiotic, irritating, annoying, playboy grandson is getting married and you think 'The Mark Carlen' will keep it low and simple and not shout out to the whole world about this? How'll you manage this? As you said, I don't want my private life getting involved only because you want a fake marriage."

"Oh leave that to me, I told you, you don't need to do anything, I'll handle every single thing. You just have to get married to me, that's your only role. I'll handle everything before and after that. So Rina please marry me?" He knelt down in front of her and held her hand, she sighed.

After dinner, they sat on a couch having ice cream as the desert.

"You've agreed, right? You'll do it, right?" Rihito asked to which Rina rolled her eyes.

"For granny? please?" Rihito smiled at her.

"I won't do anything before and after that. You'll do all the lying and I'll just sit and smile. You better remember this!" She glared at him.

"Of course, it's a deal. Here!" He held out his hand, she hesitantly shook it.

*Ring* Ring*

Just a minute, Rihito excused himself as his phone call demanded his attention, looking at the screen he gestured at her to wait for a minute, answering the call he then disappeared into another room.

Rina sighed and walked towards the floor to ceiling window, "Damn I ended up agreeing to do something stupid again!" She muttered as she looks at the city lights outside. Idiot! whispered her subconscious. She kicked the nearby table in frustration, causing all the files to drop on the floor.

"Damn it! I really am an idiot. Better clean this up before he shows up," She knelt down by the table and arranged the files. "Ah so he does work, I thought his only work was to play around with girls." She smiled looking at the paper works.

The last file caught her eyes which had a picture of her, "What's this?" She opened and read the content.

"What the hell!" Her eyes widened.