Chapter 11

6 years ago...

"You never learn your lesson, do you?" A group of school kids were holding a boy down as a tall fat boy with brown eyes and black hair hit the boy on his face.

"Argh!" The young boy tried to fight back as he struggled out of their hold and glared at them with his hazel eyes.

The other boys quickly grabbed him again and the fat one clicked his tongue.

"Tsk... tsk... tsk... Now..." he smirked as he clenched his fist and hit the poor boy again.

The boy tried to free himself but in vain.

"Hey!" A girl in her late teens shouted from behind, "What the hell are you guys doing?" She ran towards them shouting at them.

The fat one glared at her and shouted, "none of your business!"

"You brat! whom are you glaring at?" She hit on the fat boy's head.

"And whom do you think you're touching?" He tried to hit her back but she smoothly dodged his punch.

"This little brat! You're the one fighting here in your school uniform and you still dare to talk back to me?" She scolded the boy with her hands on her hips.

"Listen, woman! run away now.... you don't want to mess with us!" The other boy warned her.

The girl rolled her eyes, "oh yeah? you guys leave that boy alone and run away now, I don't fight with kids." she clicked her tongue shaking her head.

"oh yeah?" All of them surrounded her.

A few minutes later

The 7 boys were beaten into a pulp.

"And, you were saying something?" She leaned her elbow on the boy's shoulder who was being beaten by them as she looked at the boys who were now beaten up by her. "Try not to mess with your elders hmm?" she chuckled.

"Okay now let's cut the chase, here!" She took her phone out and showed them a video where the boys were ganging up and beating the boy.

"Do you want this video delivered to your principal and get expelled from your school or would you mind listening to this big sister here?" She smiled at them.

"We're sorry." The boys hung their heads as they sobbed.

"Okay now repeat after me, always respect your elders, be good kids, and go to school and do not bunk the classes doing unnecessary things! And if next time I see you guys bullying anyone, this video here will go up to your principal, not just that, I'll make you guys famous in Utube. You want me to do that?" She narrowed her eyes at them.

"No!" They shout in unison.

"Good! Now, what will you guys do?" She waved the phone screen in front of them.

"always respect your elders, be good children, and go to school and do not bunk the classes doing unnecessary things." They repeated her words.


"We'll not bully anyone." They cried.

"Good! now get out!" She shouted.

The boys ran for their lives.

"And you, are you okay?" She turned to the victim, "should we go patch you up?" She looked at him with concern.

"Mind your own business!" The boy yelled at her.

"Oi! I just saved you 'kay? that's how you repay?" She glared at him.

"I never asked you to." He glared back at her, he then walked to where his bag was lying on the ground, picked his bag, and began to walk away.

"Oh, so you're an angry little bird, hmm?" She followed him. "by the way, I'm Teresa."

The boy kept walking completely ignoring her.

"Hey! are you ignoring me? yoohoo, angry little bird?" She shouted running after him.

"I graduated from the same school, I'm your senior! How dare you ignore me? Show some respect would you?" She complained as she swung her arms around him.

"Shut up and mind your own business!" He glared at her shrugging her hands off him and ran from there.

"What an ungrateful brat!" She muttered.

Next day

Teresa struggled to climb over the premises of the school as she tried to peek inside. Her feet slipped and she fell landing her butt on the ground, "Oww," She winced, as she tried to get up her eyes landed on a familiar face, she noticed the boy watching her. She hurriedly got up and dusted her dress, "Oh hey! angry little bird!" She waved at him.

"Don't call me that!" He glared at her.

"Then tell me your name?" She crossed her arms.

"why should I tell my name to a stranger?" he turned his back to her and began to walk away.

"This stranger saved you yesterday?" Teresa ran after him. He stopped and turned around,"Are you stalking me?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"No! I'm looking for my bff's brother... but wait why aren't you inside the classroom? you're bunking again?" She scolded him.

"Why were you climbing from here then? Didn't you say you're our senior?" He raised his brows.

"Oh I was just reminiscing my school days, whenever we got late we climbed on from here, watchman doesn't know about this until now!" She laughed, "Anyway why aren't you inside the school?" she asked again.

"None of your business!" He rolled his eyes.

"Hey I know school is boring but you shouldn't bunk school, you should just bunk the classes instead!" She laughed at her own joke, no response from the boy.

"bad joke.. haha.." She faked a laugh.

Just then the sound of her ringtone disrupts their bickering, she glanced at the screen, it was Rina.

"hmm, yeah?" She answered.

"you actually went to the school?" Rina yelled at her. Teresa immediately pulled the phone away from her ear, "Whoa! Calm down!" She replied.

"You went to school!" Her best friend yelled again.

"no.... hmm I'm just hanging out with my boyfriend." Teresa leaned her elbow on the boy's shoulder.

"What?" Rina shouted.

The boy glared at her.

"Hmm... yeah," Teresa replied as she gestured at the boy 'hush'. "Shh! it's my bff, she doesn't know I'm here!" She whispered.

"Oh really?" Rina shouted from behind.

"Oh my god! what are you doing here?" Teresa shouted in horror as she found Rina standing right behind her.

"That's what I want to ask Teresa! What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to come here?" Rina shouted at her.

"I just want to punish the brat who is troubling my bff! He needs to be punished! I won't spare him just because he is your brother!" Teresa pouted crossing her arms.

"Jeez! Teresa---" "Ethan? what are you doing here?" Rina then notices her little brother beside Teresa.

"Ethan? your brother? where?" Teresa only spotted the boy, "This angry little bird is your brother?"

From then on Teresa would visit Ethan every day and try to get the brother and sister duo talk to each other but in vain! She would use Ethan's video being bullied as he didn't want anyone to know about it, she would blackmail him and call him out to hang out with them, she did everything to bring them close but no luck! Ethan used to get irritated at first but later became Teresa's best friend, whenever he used to get in trouble in school, in return for hanging out with Rina and for not being rude whenever he met her, he used to call Teresa as his guardian and as teachers knew Teresa and Rina well he didn't have much problem calling Teresa as his guardian and make her help him out but not without earning earful lectures and few painful flicks on his forehead.