Chapter 18

As the plane landed on Victoria falls international airport Rihito called out to Rina but she didn't respond. She was spacing out again, she was like that the entire flight.

"...ina." She barely heard him.

"Rina." She found him snapping his finger in front of her eyes.

"Yes?" She blinked at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked her.

She stared at him as Veeda's words played on her mind again.

"Not again." He shook his head. "Rina, woohoo you there?" he waved his hands in front of her face.

"N-nothing." She replied shaking her head. "You were saying something?" She looked at him.

He sighed, "we've reached, come." He held her hands but Rina pulled her hands back reflexively.


"N-nothing! Nothing at all!" She slapped her cheeks.

"That's surely not nothing." He replied seeing her slapping her cheeks.

"Oh wow! We're here!" She gave a fake smile and ran off to the plane's door hurriedly getting off the plane.

"That's what I said." He muttered shrugging. Did she eat something bad? Is she not feeling well?


They kept the luggage in their room and after freshening up, they went for a sunset cruise on the Zambezi river.

"Is something on my face?" Rihito asked her.

"Huh?" She blinked at him, she then realized she was staring at him all along. What the hell are you doing Rina? She shouted internally.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you not feeling well? Did I say or do something to upset you?" He eyed her worriedly.

"No." She shook her head.

"Then what's wrong? You've been spacing out this entire time."

"I-umm...I'm just tired?" She shrugged.

"You should've said so when I asked you at the hotel."

"You did?"

He frowned.

Damn it! Get a hold of yourself, Rina! You're making him worried!

As she was running her eyes around to up with an excuse suddenly the view caught her eyes.

"Wow!" She smiled, her eyes sparkled reflecting the sunset view in front of her eyes.

"Finally." She heard him sigh with relief.

"what?" She looked at him.

He shook his head and smiled at her. "I'm glad we came."

"Yeah." She smiled as she looked back at the sunset view.


The next day

Okay, Rina no spacing out today. Whatever V said delete it from your mind and just enjoy it! You're here to enjoy so just do that! Stop the unnecessary thinking right from this moment! She smiled at her reflection on the mirror.

"Ready to go?" Rihito smiled at her from behind.

"Yup!" She smiled back at him. Yup! No unnecessary thinking! She repeated in her mind.

They got on the helicopter ride over the Victoria Falls.

"Wow!" She smiled dreamily at the view.

"Are you having fun?" He asked.

She nodded with a bright smile. Rihito was finally relieved to see her smile. Thank god! She's back to normal!

After the helicopter ride, Rihito smiled slyly.

"What?" Rina asked.

"Now that you've got the view of 'The Victoria Falls'. How about we try jumping off the Victoria Bridge?"



"You're saying we're doing that." She pointed at the people who were jumping from the bungee spot.

"Yup." He nodded, his eyes sparkling.

"I should've known." Rina rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me you're scared? You just jumped from above 1000s of feet, remember?"

"Yeah but what if the rope snaps in the middle of the jump?" She gulped.

"Then we go dive right into the river!" He exclaimed clapping his hands.

"Oh, I know! You're officially mad!" she declared.

"Stop being so negative! Be positive!" He beamed.

"Yeah? What's that? Your blood group?" She mocked him.

"You'll be fine and if you fall I'll come and save my feisty princess, 'kay?"

"Aww, how sweet!" She faked a smile. "You were expecting me to say that?" She glared at him.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Trust me." He smiled at her.

Funny! She did!


"Deep breath in, deep breath out!" Rihito was chanting the words beside her as she was exercising her lungs.

She looked down and got scared again. I can't believe I decided to do it! She made them check and double-check the equipment. As the instructor was instructing her about the jump she found Rihito gone. Running her eyes around she found him flirting with a girl. "Of course." She glared at them.

Feeling the pierce of her gaze, Rihito returned by her side. "I got her number." He winked.

"Good for you." She said coldly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can you please send him away? I'm getting uncomfortable. I need to calm myself." She looked at the instructor.

"okay. I'm out." He made a sad face turning his back. Is she mad at me because I made her do this? He thought.

Entire-time I spaced out because of him! He who can't get by a day without thinking about other girls, I can't believe I let myself get bothered by this idiot! She muttered.

She turned forward and closed her eyes. "Ready?" Her instructor asked.

"Yes." She replied and then made her jump.


After Rihito made his jump, he searched around for Rina but didn't find her anywhere. He called up on her phone but she didn't answer. "Where did she go?"

He opened up the door to their room and found Rina sitting on the bed using her phone.

"Why didn't you pick up my call?"

"My bad. I didn't know you called." She replied not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Yeah right! with that thing right in your hands, you didn't realize I called you?"

"Yes." She answered.

"Why did you return without me?" He asked.

"I thought you had a date, I didn't want to be the third wheel.��� She replied still looking at her phone.

"I said I got her number but didn't say I'd call her."

"Uh-huh?" She finally looked at him raising her brows.

"That was just flirting, Rina. A healthy flirting." He grinned.

"Wipe that stupid grin off your face, it makes me want to throw this at your head." She said gesturing at her phone. "But it's too precious to be wasted on an idiot like you." She added with a cold smile.

"Ryouma's right! Wives are scary!" Rihito shivered under her icy cold gaze.

She rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, let's get going." He said.

"I'm not interested in being the third wheel." She replied.

"I am here with you Rina." He sat by her side. "Why would I go on a date with someone else when I am on my honeymoon with my wife?" He winked at her caressing her cheeks.

"Still not interested." She slapped his hands away.

"You leave me with no choice." He sighed. "As you wish princess." She yelped as he picked her up in bridal style.

"What the hell?" She yelled.

"You're going to get ready or I'm taking you with me like this." He smiled at her.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "5 minutes.

"Okay princess I'll be waiting outside." He put her down but just then he jumped on one leg as Rina kicked the other. "Ouch!"

"As you wish your highness." She mocked him as she picked up her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.