Chapter 24

Next day

Rihito barged in Aaron's office and quietly laid down on the couch.

"What the hell?" Aaron glared at his bff.

"Oh don't mind me. Please continue your meeting." Rihito turned his head at the other two guests sitting opposite Aaron.

"Gentlemen, let's take a short break." Aaron smiled at his guest and called his secretary, "Let's continue the meeting in the conference hall, I'll join you shortly." He added as he nodded at his secretary.

He waited until his guests were out of the room he then walked to the couch and stared down at Rihito who was lying on the couch covering his face with his arm.

"What's wrong?" He asked folding his arms.

"Nothing's wrong. I told you not to mind me and continue your meeting." Rihito replied.

"Fine then." Aaron rolled his eyes. "I'll be back finishing my meeting, don't you dare move out of here." He warned his best friend before walking out of the room.

After abruptly finishing his meeting in less than 10 minutes, Aaron returned and took a sigh of relief to see Rihito inside.

"Tell me now what's wrong?" He walked to him and pulled the small table at the side, to have a seat.

"Nothing's wrong. Just need some sleep." Rihito muttered.

"Something happened?" He asked staring at him with caution, "Do I need to call Ryouma?"

"For god's sake Aaron! I just need some sleep no need to be overdramatic!" Rihito shouted getting up from the couch.

"What the hell? You're the one who scared me barging in like that! You idiot!" Aaron hit him.

"Can I stay at your place for a few days?" Rihito sighed dropping back to the couch.

"Yeah right! Don't even think about it! Hell no!" Aaron shouted.

"Argh!" Rihito ran in hands through his hair in frustration. He then explained the situation. "I couldn't sleep a wink and today morning I almost made a move on her." He hid his face with his palms remembering the incident.

A few hours ago

After taking a shower Rihito stepped out of the bathroom drying his hair, only to hear Rina scream just as she entered the room. "What the hell?!"

"Oh, you're still here?" He raised his brow at her.

"Shut up and put some clothes on will you? What did I tell you not to roam around like that! Did you forget the rules already?" She shouted shutting her eyes close.

Seeing her flustered over him, with a smirk he slowly walked to her.

"Of course not, my lovely wife. I clearly remember each and every word of yours." He said closing in. He caged her against the door and whispered into her ear, "You said I can do whatever in my room, outside this is your territory." He caressed her face. "But wife you're in my territory right now, you wouldn't mind if I..."

"You--" She opened her eyes to yell at him but her breath hitched at his closeness.

He closed in further, their breath mingled, their lips only a cm away, Rina closed her eyes anticipating what is to come.

"Pfft." He pulled back laughing out aloud. "Your face, Oh my god!" He laughed.

"Jerk!" She hit him and ran out of the room.

Flashback ends

"She looked so cute, I barely managed to stop myself." He buried his face on his palms. "How am I suppose to share a room with her?"

"Just get married for real and then live happily ever after. Simple! Idiot!" Aaron rolled his eyes.


"You like her Rihito. Oh no let me correct you love her, it's high time you get up and protect things important to you. Don't let your past haunt you anymore." Aaron told him with a serious look.

"You know I'm bad at this. I can't even protect myself, you guys have to look after me how can I protect anyone?" Rihito smiled bitterly.

"Then stop complaining you, idiot! You know what even I'm fed up! Get out and stop bothering me! I'm not going to babysit you anymore." He complained.

"Sorry for being a burden," Rihito muttered before leaving.

"Damn it! Who's the idiot now?" Aaron shouted to the empty room.


"No please don't." A small boy of 5 yrs begged. "Please forgive me, I'm sorry, please." He cried and begged on his knees.

A shadow took over.

"Rihito? Rihito!" A shadow called out to him.

"NO!" He shouts waking up.

"Hey, you okay? What's wrong?" His eyes slowly adjust to the dark, he saw Rina by his side, her face full of concern.

He pulled her into a hug.

"Had a bad dream?" She asked caressing his hair.

"Hmm." He nodded.

They stayed like that for a minute, her presence calmed him down. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent as he kissed her neck as he pulled her closer, she squirmed. He halted and suddenly pulled away. "Sorry," he muttered getting off the bed.

"It's okay..." She replied in a low voice.

"Really sorry, just go back to sleep hmm?" Saying this he hurried out of the room.

"Damn!" He shouted getting out of the room. "You idiot!" He cursed himself. He paced at the corridor, he stopped at stared at the door as he heaved a sigh.


He sat in the hall, drinking in darkness. The door swung open as Rina came out of their room, she sighed seeing him staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Need some company?" She asked walking towards him. Her voice brought him back from his thoughts, he sat up and looked at her, "Sorry for waking you up and sorry about... that... I'm good now, you can go back to sleep." He faked a smile.

She didn't want to leave him, she knew he wasn't okay and she was not leaving him in this state.

"Let's watch a movie?" She sat beside him, taking the remote she turned on the TV. He stared at her blankly, "Why're you looking at me like that? We have a movie pending remember? I'm very keen on the rules."

"Rina-" He tried to refuse but she ignored his protest, "So what do you want to watch? Comedy or horror? Let's go for the comedy, kay?" She smiled.

He sighed, "Fine, you win," he nodded smiling back at her.

At the end of the movie, Rihito was sleeping peacefully on her lap and Rina too almost dozed off. She woke up as she felt him whimper. She peered at his face to find tears flowing from his eyes.

"Shh. It's okay." She whispered as she kissed his eyes.

"What are you hiding behind your playful nature? What's troubling you? I really want to share your pain Rihito." She whispered.



Rihito woke up to find him on her lap and her sleeping on his shoulder.

He smiled at her caressing her hair, his gesture woke her up and their eyes locked.

Rihito slowly pulled her to him, their lips almost meet. But they were interrupted by the noise, looking up they found Ethan flustered trying to hide himself.

"Sorry. I just wanted to get some water. You guys carry on." He ran to his room.

Rihito got up flustered and scratched his head, averting his gaze.

"Ah! I'm late." Rina too ran away.


Grandy was singing and pulled Granny into a dance, He rejoiced on the picture of Rina and Rihito which Ethan clicked when he got out of his room, finding them sleeping on the hall.