Chapter 32

Rina waited in front of the movie hall for him to appear, she sighed as she scanned every guy passing by. "Why isn't he here yet?" She stood on her tiptoes as she searched for his face.

The movie was about to start so she lined in for the popcorn while still scanning the crowd.

10 minutes later

She sat on the stairs chewing on the popcorn in her hands. "You can call if you're running late." She sighed as she looked at the strangers passing by. She called him up but he wouldn't pick it up. "At least pick up the call, will you?" She narrowed her eyes at her phone screen. "Did you just stood me up? Are you getting revenge on me for canceling our movie date yesterday?" She shouted leaving the voice message. "But yesterday..." She trailed off. "No, wait... it's not what I'm thinking it is, right?" Panic rose as she went through her contact list.

"Rihito... I can't reach him." She informed on the call.


"Long time no see." He passed by a familiar voice. Turning back, he saw the source of all his nightmares right in front of him.

"You..." His voice trembled. "You... why?" He paled as he saw her.

"Should we go where it's not crowded?" The woman clicked her tongue, "People make me suffocated."

They went to a restaurant and sat in a private cabin.

"Why are you here?" His voice trembled as he spoke.

"Don't be like that. Can't I come to meet my own son?" She asked looking offended. Seeing him not respond, she continued, "You seem to be happy nowadays." She wore a nasty smile as she spoke. He paled as white as a sheet.

"You don't pick my call, call me all the way here and you're still asking me why?" She laughed. She stopped and looked at him with cold eyes as she spat venom, "how dare you smile so carefreely when my life is messed up because of you? You... of all people don't deserve to be happy, just remember that. And that wife of yours, she's got some nerves," She rolled her eyes.

"You," His eyes widened in horror, "You met her?"

"I paid a little visit to her yesterday, she didn't tell you? My, my," She clicked her tongue.

"She's got nothing to do with you, just leave her alone!" He shouted.

"My poor baby, look at you," She clicked her tongue, "Don't be scared, I won't do anything until I get what I want." She picked up a tissue and wiped off his sweat from his forehead. "Since you made me come all the way here, I'll just enjoy my visit here for a while and keep a close watch on your life. Moms do that don't they? Looking after their kids." She patted his cheek.

"You know how much I hate that stupid happy face of yours, don't you? So, don't get too excited and listen to your mother, 'kay?" She smirked as she looked at his pale face. "Mom's gotta go now, bye, be careful on your way home, hmm?" Saying this she walked out.

Rihito looked at his phone which had been continuously buzzing the whole time, he hung his head and cried silently.


"No, he isn't home yet. Just tell me where should I look for him!" She shouted at the other person on the call. "How do you expect me to be calm? It's evening already and I still can't reach him." She shouted again.

Just then she heard the door click. "Wait." She rushed out of her room to find Rihito at the door.

"You!" She shouted. He didn't respond, it was as if only his body was there. She ran and hugged him, "The least you could do was call." She yelled at him which brought him out of his thoughts, he looked at her affectionately.

You don't talk about your parents

Your... mother?

I paid a little visit to her yesterday, she didn't tell you?

He pulled her into a tight hug, "Sorry," He muttered. "You think sorry is going to cut it?" Tears filled her eyes as she hit him, "Sorry." He muttered again tightening the hug, his voice choked with emotion, "I'm really sorry." He had promised he wouldn't let his past bother her but he had forgotten the more he is with her the more she'll be dragged into the mess. A real serious relationship? What a joke! What was he even thinking when starting their relationship?

He broke the hug and stared into her eyes, she was startled, his eyes were lifeless. "Sorry," He muttered and walked into his room closing the door behind him.

She stood there stunned. Her legs refused to move, the vibration of her phone in her hand brought her back to reality, "Yes, he's home... Yeah, I'll call you later." She answered the call.

She slowly walked to the door and tried to knock but stopped, she slumped down on the floor hugging her knees, "He's home, that's enough." She muttered.


Next morning,

Rihito lied on the bed with his eyes wide open staring at the ceiling, he hadn't slept a wink. The knock on the door got his attention and he finally looked at her, "Breakfast's ready." She gestured him to come out.

After a few minutes, they sat next to each other having breakfast. Rina was trying to cut the awkwardness out and babbled on things but none of her words reached him, he was playing with his food, his mind was elsewhere.

She placed her hand on his, he pulled his hands back awkwardly. With a blank face, he continued staring at the food on his plate.

"I'll really hit you, you know." She shouted trying to get his attention, Rihito blinked finding her right at his side ready to hit him.

"You react to this?" She laughed. "Space out once more and this" She clenched her fist "Will go crash right onto your handsome face, got it?" She warned him.

"Yeah, sorry," He closed his eyes.

"You think your sorry is enough? You stood me up, it'll take a lot more than just sorry to mend it." She said making a humph sound.

"Hmm." He nodded absentmindedly. She sighed in defeat, "Are you even listening?" She looked at him helplessly.


"What's wrong? Can't you share it with me?" She looked at him with hopeful eyes, he faked a smile, "Everything's fine." He picked his plates up and walked to the sink.


"I'm going to kill that b*tch!" Rina shouted.

"Calm down." Aaron tried to make her listen.

"Calm down? you need to go and see him, he's... Argh! I don't know... I'm just going to kill that woman." She tried to get up.

"You think we didn't try? Before you do something remember that Rihito's going to face the consequences." Ryouma warned her. "Even if you do something, nothing's going to help Rihito unless he pulls himself up and throws her out of his life."

"You mean I do nothing and see him like that?"

"You think we can see him like that? Rihito's got her back while she's here." He replied.

"Why would he?" She shouted.

"Whatever she does, he still considers her his mother and even if she kills him, he's fine with that, if you go fight for him, he'll fight for her instead, the only thing you can do is be there with him and work behind the scenes."

"that's ridiculous." She rolled her eyes.

"Frustrating isn't it?" He sighed. "I really wish to get rid of her but..." He clicked his tongue. "He's being controlled by her, he was always hungry for his mother's love, no matter how bad she treated him only one thing mattered when there was no one else, she was there, she saved him, he's holding onto that one moment, she's taking advantage of that, making him feel guilty feeding him with her manipulative words, she's made him believe she owns his life and the fool he actually believes it."

"So we let her do whatever she pleases?" Her blood boiled with anger.

"I don't know... All this time we had been keeping her away from him, sending her money, taking her out of the mess, everything that'd keep her from contacting him ever again, don't know what the hell did she come here for." he clenched his fist.

Just then the door opened and Teresa peeked in, "Oh," She blinked in surprise, "even Rina's here. Hi!" She waved.

"What's with the tense atmosphere?" She entered the room.

"Nothing." Aaron shrugged. "Let's go, Rina. I'll drop you off." He stood from his seat. "Hmm." She nodded. "Bye." She smiled at Teresa before they left the room.

Teresa then looked at Ryouma, he averted his gaze immediately. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Oh crap, so sorry, I totally forgot about the appointment." He got up from his chair. "No problem, we still got some time." She replied.

"Come, let's go." He leads them out.

"Something's definitely wrong." She muttered as she followed him.